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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which console will have the most million sellers?

kylw said:
Godot said:
1. Wii

2. PS3

3. 360

Wii because it will get good third party support as well as the largest userbase. Also the games on Wii have better legs than on other consoles.

PS3 second because as its userbase will top that of the 360, multipatform games will sell about the same on each consoles. Sony will also have more steady sales in all region and will eventually fill the gap with the 360.

360 is last but will be close to the PS3 because of the year head start.

Quote --->  about X360, MS made a BIG anti-piracy system, it is called 3RLs, or RRoD. I know a bunch of ppl afraid to open a X360 and void warrant because they will need it...

Well, I agree with the RROD thwarthing piracy but still, the 360 is the easiest to pirate. You don't need a mod chip after all. Anyway, I wasn't talking about piracy in my post.

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wii but not by much over the 360, depends on what games are released any of the concoles could put great games on that will sell for millions so it is a wild guess at this point.

I want to say 360, but software sales are starting to go down around the world. Meaning sooner or later it'll have to soley rely on America, which if ways continue, the market brand for 360 there wil start to fade.

Then it'd be between Wii and PS3, but even though Wii's higher userbase, the lack of quality titles will hurt it. While the PS3 may never get enough hardware sales to really tack on so many million sellers.

Really I could see any taking top spot but for now I'm going to have to go with the 360 followed closely by both Wii and PS3. Can't choose a second place haha.

At the rate things are going now, every first party Nintendo game will break a million, even the crappy ones. So that's about 20 more million sellers. Throw in some big multiplatforms like Guitar Hero and whatever, and Wii will dethrone the 360. Then over the last couple years of the generation when there's about 812379050129857 Wiis out there, it'll have a couple million sellers per hour.

Soo for the period of 1 1/2 years the Wii can turn out 25 million sellers... and considering the drought of 2007.... hmm I'd have to say Wii... unless Xbox360 also had a drought in games from 2005 - 2008.

But as they said, the games that are already out that are on the verge of reaching a million could see a rise as the install base increases... this applies to all systems - it's just that the Wii benefits the most from this concept.

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dont really matter, More great games is what i wanna see, not more million sellers, because altho Grand theft auto sold by this stage about 8 million + , its not a great game, its good, just not great

360 had 41 million sellers in 31 months.
Wii had 25 million sellers in 19 months.

Overall 360 has had 1.3225806451612903225806451612903 million sellers per month.

Overall Wii has had 1.3157894736842105263157894736842 million sellers per month.

This gives the 360 a microscopic lead.

However, this is because the 360 had a larger userbase for 21 of its months and a smaller userbase for the last 10 months.

The fact that they are both churning out the same number of million sellers per month on average at this point means 360's only advantage was its head start. The Wii is gobbling up software market share faster than all hell, and it will have way more million sellers by the end of this generation. It'll be like the DS or PS2.

PS3 will lifetime.

the only games that sell on wii are well known series like Mario, Zelda, etc. and now the wii series games. Don't deny it, at least 19 of the 25 I'd say are well known series.

see for yourself.

The 19 that are well known series or Wii series are: Wii sports/play, SMG, MK Wii, SSBB, MP8, Zelda TP, Wii fit, Mario & Sonic, GH3, Paper Mario, Wario Ware, Links Crossbow, Resident Evil 4, Mario Strikers, Sonic/secret rings, metroid prime 3, Umbrella chronicles

The PS3 and 360 have new IP's that sell well though like Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Gears of War, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Rainbow Six Vegas, GRAW, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, etc.

PS360 has potential to have more million sellers. They can't just keep pumping out mario games, (oh wait, yes they can)

Heh. I love the fact that Nintendo's superb first-party output is a reason to criticize. "The Wii won't have a lot of million-sellers because too many of them are Nintendo games!!11!"

Also, according to these same geniuses, the Wii series is not a new IP, even though the brand name didn't effectively exist prior to Nov. 2006. Three years ago, nobody would have guessed that the word "Wii" alone would be worth at least a million units itself. As always, Nintendo's success is a reason why Nintendo can't be considered successful.

^that is a good counter argument but seeing as third parties are finally staking the wii seriously you will see a shift