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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I Have 500 Wii Points left? What should I buy?

d21lewis said:
I have exactly 500 Wii points too. Unfortunately, I'm in the situation described in Arsenalrc15's sig. I used to buy VC titles all the time, but I refuse to buy anything until Nintendo solves their storage problem. I haven't played a single Wii Ware title. My loss, and Nintendo's loss, I guess.

On topic, Super Mario 1,2, or 3. You really can't go wrong. Either that, or save the points until you can buy Pokemon Puzzle League. It's the best puzzle game ever!!

Your seriously missing out - I played Lost Winds last night and Toki Tori the night before that, gotta say they're both amazing with Lost Winds being a must play for anyone and has controls Nintendo would be proud of, they really are sublime (check that word out - i'm gonna use it all day).

Re-downloading isn't that big a deal as on the Shop in my account it has everything you've ever purchased in a single list, one click and you're away again.

A storage solution will come but dont let this deter you from supporting the third parties thats actually putting a decent effort in and most importantly you're missing out on arguably one of the wii's best third party games to date.

Lost Winds is a classic example of what can be acheived when publishers dont stick their noses in - play it now.


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super mario brothers... Best game on the VC that costs 500 points by far. But personally I would buy a 1000 more points and buy two snes games. Perhaps A link to the past and Super mario world or F-Zero if you do that.

Get Solaman's Key *sp*

Its a classic

trust brotha weezy

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



SMB3 or Kirby Adventure

Kirby Adventure was fun great game :) but it's just my opinion

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River City Ransom.

Don't ask, just do it.

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