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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTAIV and MGS4 come and go...

SWA_JM_Obi-Wan said:
Is this thread a joke? C'mon you got to be kidding me, Right? I love how every time the PS3 has a down week the fanboys come out in mass. The PS3 outsells the 360 every week now, EVERY WEEK. This isn't going to change, that table has been set. The only question is now is when do the 360 sales slide off the table completely (and if you don't think that will happen you are completely deluding yourself). Newsflash, When more 80's hit America overall numbers will spike again. The Sony forums are flooded with people dieing to get their hands on one. 360 fanboys will be better served if they just come to the realization now that their console is the 3rd most popular now.


 This is exactly what i been saying, but the mods keep closing my threads...i guess the truth hurts.

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Wow, lots of back and forth over a bunch of numbers.
I happen to think all three consoles are doing just fine. Compare #'s 1, 2, and 3 of this generation(as they stand today) with their respective #'s 1, 2, and 3 of last gen at comparable periods in their LTD sales and you'll see that video games in general are doing a ton better. Somethin' here is happenin' and ya don't know what it ya, Mr. Jones?
All this gnashing of teeth and rending of garments really doesn't accomplish a helluva lot. Focus on the positive's to be gleaned from the numbers for the industry as a whole.
Or, better yet, focus on the games. That's where it's at.

This post inspired by TheTruthHurts!

lol. when I saw this post, I thought it would be a wii fanboy spout... anyway, starmistkarmic is right on the money...

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Starmistkarmic said:
Wow, lots of back and forth over a bunch of numbers.
I happen to think all three consoles are doing just fine. Compare #'s 1, 2, and 3 of this generation(as they stand today) with their respective #'s 1, 2, and 3 of last gen at comparable periods in their LTD sales and you'll see that video games in general are doing a ton better. Somethin' here is happenin' and ya don't know what it ya, Mr. Jones?
All this gnashing of teeth and rending of garments really doesn't accomplish a helluva lot. Focus on the positive's to be gleaned from the numbers for the industry as a whole.
Or, better yet, focus on the games. That's where it's at.

This post inspired by TheTruthHurts!

    Thanks for the mention Starmistkarmic, you hit it right bro, all gamers win this gen.  I remember when the N64 and Game Cube was hurting and I was like "Man I hope Nintendo doesn’t go away" because we as gamers lose.  Even though MS came to the game last I love my 360 and think it also does great things for gaming.  Sony is a powerhouse in gaming, and I hope they will be for a very longtime.  Hopefully Sony will turn a profit soon and continue bringing us great games like MSG4.  Sometimes you roll the dice and things don’t always turn out the best at first, but hey, thats the market. 

    I love this site and the intelligence the people bring to it.  People may not always agree with posters like StarCraft, Crazyman, Leo-J, Shio, ect....but I admire their passion and appreciate there opinions.  I constantly read post from these guys for months before joining and finally did because of the people here.  Yes, there are a few bouts, but I like that too.  It’s a matter of when we as gamers draw the line and admit the pro's of all systems, as well as the con's.  I hope MSG4 sells through the roof.  I hope Gears2 blows peoples socks off.  I hope Valve brings us a game the likes of Half Life and Half Life 2 in Left for Dead.   I haven’t even scratched the surface with upcoming games like Final Fantasy, StarCraft 2, The Next Awesome Zelda, ect. ect.  I hope all 3 companies and any newbies brave enough to join the fight....success.  That includes those brave enough to post topics against the grain of other "opinions", and stick by them like glue.  Thank you Nintendo, Sony and MS for bringing us the best generation in gaming ever.  BRING IT ON!!!


^^ Amen, man. Amen. Especially the BRING IT ON part. :)

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JGarret said:
Hey Benga, between the PS3 and 360, which system do you think will really end up "winning"?....worldwide, I mean.

Do you think in the medium and long terms, PS3´s Japanese and European advantages will manage to offset the 360´s NA advantage?


I'm quite sure the PS3 will overtake the 360 somewhere in 2009. Sony's European advantage is the most important factor in this. For some reason Microsoft can't really get into that market. Japan will be a fight in the margins for both consoles.

But winning can be achieved in many ways. For Microsoft making a profit out of its game division is winning, selling close to Sony is also winning. For Microsoft the 360 is an enormous success, even if it won't even surpass the original Xbox, for the simple reason they're making a profit on it and kept Sony from domination.

PS3 will be the winning HD console in sales, but imo Microsoft will be happier with this gen than Sony. Coming from over 10 years of console dominance being trashed by Nintendo and  struggle to overtake Microsoft wasn't really the plan. Losing exclusives along the way not only damages the PS3, but also future consoles, since Microsoft has proven that its console is a good platform for games.

Only 5.3 million 360s sold within a 1 year headstart? Launching in 3 major regions near simultaneously at a cheaper entry price than the PS3... Does make one wonder what all the super sales praising from the media and fanboys was all about for the 360's first year on the market.

The PS2 sold roughly 2.7 times this amount the last 2 fiscal years despite market saturation kicking in and the PS3 taking over.

Taking sold to retailer data as a measure the PS3 considerably outsold the 360 taking equal timeframes.

- Microsoft sold 4.3 million 360s worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, making it 7.3 million in total for the year.
- Sony sold 4.9 million PS3s worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, totalling 8.83 million for the year.

For the first quarter of 2008 Sony sold 1 million more PS3s than Microsoft sold 360s, which is very good for a slow period.

The PS3 has considerably outsold the 360 for North America as a whole this year (NPD). The PS3 has consistently outsold the 360 for Europe with much bigger margins since its launch and even overtaken the 360's total install base for the region despite a 16-17 month headstart (3 holiday seasons for the 360, only 1 for the PS3), for Japan the PS3 already has 3.6 times the install base and has been outselling the 360 by a factor 35 to 1 and 12 to 1 due to the release of MGS4 these last 2 weeks.

This all despite a lower 360 entry pricing and nearly all the major XBox sequels already out on the market and a complete lack of XBox support ever since the 360 launched (pushing people to upgrade faster).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

shams said:
I still think Japan is the key for Sony/PS3 - this is where they have really been hurt hard to date. If they can only pick up the PS3 sales to a solid 25-30k/week (consistent), it would make all the difference. MS is just unable to compete over there, and its been a miracle that it hasn't killed the 360 vrs PS3 war to date.

(its "only" a 1.5m gap in Japan, and that really isn't much at all)


You know I am not a fan of Sony's business practices this gen, but it is very significant that PSP+PS3 > or = Wii+DS in Japan over recent weeks.  If Nintendo releases a new DS iteration this will probably switch back but it shows the health of the Sony PS brand.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.