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Forums - Sales Discussion - Some sony fans to be dissapointed with FFXIII sales and its effect on ps3?

If FF-XIII comes out next year, it will be three years since the last chapter in the series. And that was one chapter that was not universally well received (especially by long-time fans of the series). In other words, the impact of FF may not be what it once was.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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If one more Nintendo fan forms a thread because of what a desperate fanboy said, I am going to snap.



What is going to kill the sales of the game is the lack of PS3 userbase in Japan. It just isn't going to pull the enormously large first week sales the previous ones have due to declining sales of the series in that region as well as the low instal base. The game will launch at less than a million in Japan, and the legs on the series will likely be the same. It will sell incredibly well by normal standards, and probably fairly well by Final Fantasy standards. It will not break 8 million though. Coming close would be tricky.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

i agree with you, i feel Sony fans have gotten so desperate to be "#1" again on the video game market they tend to forget  certain things like facts and proof


sc94597 said:
Ail said:
I believe FF XIII will do less than the previous iterations in the serie in Japan but has the potential to do more in Others. Of course having a WW release as opposed to a Japan only release first would help.

For hardware it all depends your expectation.
When all is said and done MGS4 will probably have helped sell 100k extra consoles or so in Japan, doesn't seem like much except it's 5% of PS3 Japan sales.

I think you can reasonnably expect FFXIII to sell 200-300k extra PS3 or so in Japan, which will be around 7-10% of the install base at the time it comes out..

Yes that is a good amount, but is that really saving the ps3 in japan? How much do you expect sales to go back to after this?

@Crazzyman MGS4 worked because the MGS series never sold as much as the Final Fantasy series in japan. Even if it does sell 1 mln lifetime in japan( which I doubt it will) that is 50% compared to 100% attach rate. The ps3 does have the advantage of all of its owners being hardcore, but loses the advantage of the mainstream appeal of FF targetting casuals as well. Also the MGS series  is limited by a certain fanbase, because its very very niche. For htose of you who don't know what niche mean, it means only a certain group of people like it, not that it sells bad, but in most cases niche games do. Final Fantasy is more mainstream and could allow for better sales, but it is highly constricted by it's install base.



 I'm saying sales will spike for a few weeks and then go back to what they were before FF XIII release, the total spike being around 200-300k consoles over that time... ( I estimate the MGS4 is going to be 100k, so far we have 71k week 1 and 15k week 2 for MGS4). That is for Japan only...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Final Fantasy is a series that's overshot its target market considerably. Originally, the series caught on for its relatively unique appeal (a Western-style theme in an Eastern-style RPG format). After a disastrous second entry that tried to make things more complicated and scared off users, the series started gearing the other way: towards more user-friendliness. You can see an almost linear progression of this happening, from FF3 to FF6.

When 7 hit, the series hit a snag; FF7 was about as complex as FF6, but much bigger and more advertised. This was when things started to go downhill, and the games started to get more complex and limiting again. FF8 featured a fairly deep, but very difficult-to-adapt-to system wherein leveling up is suicide (which goes entirely counter to the RPG norm and has no clear indicator until it's too late). FF9, in attempting to simplify again, simply made things even more complicated by having the battle engine become so static that you have to engage in sidequests to get the items which make battles tolerable. Meaning the player was expected to constantly side-track to do often rumor-mill-esque quests just to get something incrementally better that would let them survive fights.

FFX, on the other hand, re-simplified gameplay. The linear progression of growth was very user-friendly, but still offered options for more advanced users. Battles were much less static, with far more options to rely on (options that weren't pointless, unlike 90% of the skills and spells in FF8 and 9). But then FF11 went and made itself online, automatically alienating a significant portion of the existing userbase. And FF12 was basically an offline MMORPG, ensuring that the past userbase which found FFX appealing but not FF11 would not find FF12 appealing, either.

For FF13 to not live up to its unlucky number, they need to re-simplify combat and out-of-combat gameplay the way that FFX did. If they go the same route that FF11 and 12 did, then they will only stand to lose more potential buyers (even moreso since the game is on a non-dominant console).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Someone made a comment on another thread that really made me think regarding attach rates which made a lotta sense.

It's really hard to guess attach rates on the non-dominant console. Thing is, the dominant console sells to everyone. So it gets crazy high numbers and sells a huge variety of software.

That was the PS2 last generation, and is the Wii this generation.

The other consoles don't quite capture the imagination or interest of the general public and so even though their numbers are a lot smaller, they're pretty much all hardcore gamers.

Ergo, Crazy attach rates and front loaded sales (hardcore gamers are NOT going to wait months to play their big games)

I agree with the predictions, I don't think it'll reach FFX or FFVII sales but I wouldn't put money on it.

My 2ct:

Every RPG lover had a PS2. Period.

The RPG community will be much more split this time around. 360 gets some great JRPG's so some of the PS2 owners will go 360 (not in Japan, but certainly in the US). Wii will also have much more RPG support than GameCube (we'll have Tales next week and quite some are announced). PS3 actually has least RPGs announced, but does have FF, which is the biggest name.

I think people will be "skipping" FF this gen in favour of more other RPG's. FF has become more casual over the years.

I think install base won't matter too much, only in Japan.

So my prediction:

1.7 million in Japan
2.5 million US
1.9 million Others

= 6.1 million

souixan said:
cwbys21 said:
I think some people are forgetting one very important thing when speculating about sales for FF13. When FF13 comes out the PS3 will be in the mid 20 million range and FF13 will stay on store shelves for AT LEAST 24 months, so that is another 20 million console sales at current sales rates (Sony said they expect to ship around 10 million this year). So the PS3 could be around 45 million units when FF13 is taken off of shelves and to get 7 million (which is great for any game not named GTA) it wouldn't need the big attach rates that people are thinking about. And since Final Fantasy has such name recognition people just picking up a PS3 at the end of FF13's shelf life would strongly consider picking it up as it would be a Greatest Hit and cheap.


Kinda tough to say where PS3 will be given we have no firm release date or even year. Hell with previous translation rates Europe and others might not see the game till 2010. I really hope we don't have to wait this long I'm sick of hearing about it lol There's so many things sales could speed up slow down, natural disasters can stop them completely for short periods who the hell knows. I wouldn't be so willing to say 20,000,000PS3's... and by the way shipping 10,000,000 this year doesn't mean they'll sell them all.

That is true, but what would be the point of making all those systems and continuing making the systems if they don't sell?  You could make less systems and sell those off and find ways to make it cheaper.  And then instead of having a stockpile of systems that were more expensive to make you have systems that were cheaper to make going through to retail.

@cwbys21 FF games never had large legs, and  usally get most their sales in the first month or two. I don't see it being on shelves for 24 months going to help it reach too far.
So FFX sold its 7 million in the first couple months and then sat of store shelves for 2 years?  And FF12 sold its 5 million by Christmas and has sat on store shelves neglected since then?


I sense deja vu....

'mgs4 wont affect the ps3!'

Incorrect. It put the PS3 top of the pile with 320,000 consoles sold in one week.

I sense FF13 will do something similar

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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