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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Figures show average Wii Fit player used Balance Board four times in a month. Has Nintendo failed?

konnichiwa said:
Nintendo does not care how much you play it, they only care that you buy it;;



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So people only used it for 505 minutes (about 9 hours) in the first month of ownership? How, again, is that bad? 505 minutes is about 17 thirty minute sessions, which is an absolutely fantastic rate of working out (nearly 4 times per week).

We haven't used ours all that much -- maybe 6 or 7 hours, but primarily because we're busy playing Mario Kart Wii when we play games.  Wii Fit still gets more use than the brand new Xbox.

FJ-Warez said:
Taken in account the install base of the Wii, the price, the launch date and the sales of Wii-fit, I think is one of the most successful peripherals...

and it´s only just begun


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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

Take a look at figures for the number of visits a month for people with gym memberships, you'd be surprised how low they are.

Wii Board = Good

Wii Fit = Bad

I don't like the Wii Fit training software. As a fitness training software, it has lots of options which is good, but there are huge deficiencies from what was expected. Such as the ability to have the trainer set up a training regimen for you based on what you are trying to accomplish. Or skipping all of the "best scores" stuff and fluff they've added. They really ought to just maintain a top score per Mii, because I fill up the top 10 slots and my kids and wife have no chance of ever getting on the list. And ... The list goes on.

What I expected would last me about 2 months has already lost my interest in one week.

I hope somebody else can come up with a better fitness training program than the one Nintendo has.

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I always wonder what they mean by "average user" in these Nintendo Channel numbers. Are they defining a user as every Mii that plays the game? Because if they are, the average is going to get dragged down by less enthusiastic members of the household and every guest who tries it out for a single evening.

Hypothetical example:

I pick up Wii Fit at launch and use it regularly, say every other day for four weeks (14 uses).

A couple other people in my household try it out, but they aren't very enthusiastic and only play once a week (4 uses each, 8 total).

One night in this four week period, I have four friends over and they each try the game out once with their own Mii (1 use each, 4 total).

So here we have 7 total users using Wii Fit a total of 26 times in a four week period, averaging 3.7 uses per user. Sounds like a failure, doesn't it? Except for the one user who is using it every other day!

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

If WiiFit's "job" was to turn the world from a bunch of lazy slobs who sit on their couch all day - into muscle clad, yoga mastering supermen/women - then hell yeah, its failed ;)

But in terms of being a successful "controller", and a product that sells well on the market... I wouldn't think it has "failed" at all. Its failed when someone can head into any games store, and see hundreds of WiiFit units unsold.

I'm about to jump on now, for my daily session before heading to work...

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Many WiiFit buyers don't even go online with the console (my sister and all other WiiFit owners I know, for example).

This is assuming the numbers are in any way accurate:
It looks like just about every other piece of home exercise equipment that ever came out. Use once and retire for good. Also what made the SoloFlex the world's most expensive clothes hanger.

"You mean just buying it doesn't help me lose weight and get fit? I have to work at it? Well F that. Enjoy the closet, WiiFit."

Not a failure on Nintendo's part by any stretch of the imagination. More a failure on our part for being so damned lazy.
For the record, I know of one person with WiiFit and she uses it twice a day.

Why would this be a "failure"? You do realize that people that cough up $200 plus monthly fees for gym memberships do about the exact same thing in the majority of cases, right? They go for a week, give up, and walk away never to return--why would WiiFit be any difference.