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Forums - General Discussion - What is the colour of water?

Talking about pure H2O here. 

I think its blue. 


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If it had NO colour we wouldn't be able to see it.

Therefore it has limited colour.

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The lightest shade of silver imaginable.

Water is clear. The sea appears blue due to light refraction/reflection.

Some science:
As we live on a pebble mainly covered with water, and as this pebble bears the pretty name of “the blue planet”, it seems legitimate to wonder about the reasons of a such uniformity. All the more because the blue mirage that can be seen from space is less visible when our feet are in the water.

We have all noticed that if the sky is blue, the sea dons its blue clothes, and if the sky is gray, the sea’s dressed in dark. Would it mean the sea is endowed with the ability to change its looks according to its mood? That’s not likely. On the other hand, a more coherent explanation, at least for its surface, is that the colour of the surrounding sky reflects itself on the sea and gives it its colour.

As to the deeper layers, the blue colour is given by the penetrating sunbeams. When a sunbeam hits the water surface, it doesn’ stop its course at once, but splits into different hues as it goes deeper. The colour yellow disappears along the first meters, then the red fades, and finally the green. The only colour left is blue.

Water doesn't have any colour. What you see is is a distorted image of what's surounding the water, thus giving water it's specific colour/shade, as well as what's inside the water.

Point in the matter: Normal bottled water. If it had the same properties as air, it wouldn't distort the surrounding reality, but because it does, you have the illusion if water having a colour, when in fact it doesn't.

Ocean/river/lake water is brushed with the colours of the sky, nature around it and everything that is inside the fluid basins.

I repeat, WATER DOES NOT HAVE A COLOUR. You only think it does.

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Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

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Water is basically colouless. The sea is blue from a distance because it is reflecting the Sky.

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it is colourless


It is very slightly blue. According to Wikipedia with citations.

Soleron said:


It is very slightly blue. According to Wikipedia with citations.

its the reflection of the sky!