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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Should there be more violent action games on Wii?

Why is Bleu's avatar a Wii if he hates it so much?

On topic: Does it need it? No, the Wii doesn't need it to be succesful and make money. Would I like to see more violent-fast-paced action. Maybe, if it is done right. I don't like violence just for the sake of violence. NMH was trying to tell a story of the gamers and Mad World looks like fun. 'Lot of Wii haters in this thread.


Edit: Not necesarily bloody, but MoH:H2 was fast paced and violent, RE is bloody and violent  but not fast paced, Scarface was pretty damn violent, fast, and fun if you got over the sucky game, Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, Driver, Splinter Cell, Godfather, Manhunt 2.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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No offense, but you're 14. You're not supposed to play mature violent games.

I don't think the wii has a lack of violent games, I think PS3 and 360 have far too many.

Chrizum said:
No offense, but you're 14. You're not supposed to play mature violent games.


Children are the biggest supporters of M-rated games.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

NiKKoM said:
Well Madworld is coming.. don't think it gets any more violent then that..

yeha i was going to mention that game as well...i mean just l;ook at this



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Chrizum said:
No offense, but you're 14. You're not supposed to play mature violent games.


 OWWNEEED!!! Take that T013... You're going to hear that for a really, REALLY long time!


I'll see ya tomorrow, so... )) !!111!! This just made my day!!!.


I actually am enjoying Red Steel on the Wii. It is a awesome mature like game. Even though it has a Teen rating. It still is a awesome game.

The controls are confusing at first, but I quickly adapted to them within a hour or so. The sword fights are easy, but is awesome swinging my arms around like I am actually slicing someone with a sword.

I mean there isn't that many mature games on the Wii, but I recommend you give Red Steel and Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition a spin and play some old Gamecube games that were awesome at its time. That will cover you up when the time comes for third parties to release a wealth of content for the mature audience.

highwaystar101 said:
I don't think the wii has a lack of violent games, I think PS3 and 360 have far too many.

I agree with this completely.  Wii had Manhunt 2.  Is that a kids game?  

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"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

steven787 said:

Why is Bleu's avatar a Wii if he hates it so much?

I don't hate the wii,but there are better systems out there.

Hey guys... come on you're completely reading me wrong!
I WAS NEVER TALKING ABOUT 'MATURE' GAMES IN GENERAL - I WAS TALKING ABOUT FAST-PACED ACTION TITLES! Of course these are usually of the mature kind, but while a cow is a mammal, not all mammals are cows. So don't get the disucussion stuck in a debate about maturity.

And StarcraftManiac - jeez man that joke is getting old. You keep thinking that I actually give a damn about my age. Maybe YOU should grow up, you big 16 year old boy! ;)

I drink your milkshake.