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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 framerate ~27 FPS average.

nevermind ( deleted my post)


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Zkuq said:
leo-j said:
Alright, this is stupid its becoming the same "MGS4 IS PRE RENDERED " argument.

Believe what you want, but I and every single owner of MGS4 know that it doesnt run at 30fps, HEAVNELY SWORD runs at 30fps, and to say that MGS4 is about as steady as GTA 4 (fps) is the same as playing MGS4 drunk and comparing it to GTA 4.

It's mostly running at around 30 FPS. There's a little stuttering in some situations but nothing serious and at times it's 60 FPS for a short while but it's nothing serious either. No, it's not between 30 FPS and 60 FPS either - it's 30 FPS with a little stuttering sometimes.The runs just fine, it's not that bad to have a framerate of 30 FPS. The game is still excellent. Oh, and it clearly is 30, not 60. If you say it's 60 FPS, you obviously haven't played any 60 FPS games. Yes, I've played it - three times actually, and I'm planning to play again a few times.

Oh, and it appears that MGS4 might actually have a few pre-rendered scenes. Only a few, though, but still some.

No point in mentioning 60 at all unless you're referring to crawling or some such trivial matter.


el_rika said:
Considering how mind blowing this game looks, how detailed the characters and enviroments are and how many things happen on screen at once, all the bullets flying everywhere, explosions and tens of AI controlled soldiers fighting against you or with you or simply against each other, i'd say we are looking at a technological marvel here guys.

You summed it up well. It's the best looking console game and I see no slow down, personally. Does anyone know what UT3 runs at, btw?

You can mention 60fps, you just have to be in small areas (like a small room or hut or something like that), have the camera looking at the wall your hugging, or have your solid eye set to IR mode.

Despite that, I don't even see the point of this thread other than some of the slap fights produced by it have been pretty funny.

MGS4 has a generally smooth frame rate and it will drop a little bit in large areas with combat, but it doesn't chug by any means. Now.... compare that to MGO and trying to play a round with 16 people on Gronzy Grad.... ugh....

IllegalPaladin said:

You can mention 60fps, you just have to be in small areas (like a small room or hut or something like that), have the camera looking at the wall your hugging, or have your solid eye set to IR mode.

Despite that, I don't even see the point of this thread other than some of the slap fights produced by it have been pretty funny.

MGS4 has a generally smooth frame rate and it will drop a little bit in large areas with combat, but it doesn't chug by any means. Now.... compare that to MGO and trying to play a round with 16 people on Gronzy Grad.... ugh....

I haven't seen any framerate problems in MGO, either. You sure it's not lag?

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There are frame rate issues, Gronzy Grad with a full server can chug a little bit.


Gronzy Grad is the worst that I've seen. However, seeing as it's a gigantic and open map, the FPS isn't as bad on the other maps. Still, playing in a full game with 15 other players will drop the frame rate a little bit on any of the maps.

windbane said:
IllegalPaladin said:

You can mention 60fps, you just have to be in small areas (like a small room or hut or something like that), have the camera looking at the wall your hugging, or have your solid eye set to IR mode.

Despite that, I don't even see the point of this thread other than some of the slap fights produced by it have been pretty funny.

MGS4 has a generally smooth frame rate and it will drop a little bit in large areas with combat, but it doesn't chug by any means. Now.... compare that to MGO and trying to play a round with 16 people on Gronzy Grad.... ugh....

I haven't seen any framerate problems in MGO, either. You sure it's not lag?

It's a bit of both for the most part. It runs much slower on larger maps with 16 people.



Well, thats it...Im gonna stop playing it...guess I'll never see past act 3...

My new hobby will be monitoring frame rates, counting pixels (manually!!), keeping a keen eye for jaggies and the occasional poor texture on obscure walls one shouldn't even be looking at....and of course massive participation in anti-aliasing debates.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

The only reason why this is important at all is because of how some Sony fans have been hyping how much more powerful the PS3 is even though it hasn't demonstrated any of this power in real world situation. Metal Gear Solid 4 was developed by one of the most technically competent Japaneese developers and they spent (over) 3 years working on it, and yet it has difficulty maintaining 30fps @ 720p ... this game is probably better than 99% of what developers will ever obtain on the PS3, so maybe its time that they accept the system is in the same performance range as the XBox 360 and a 2 year old gaming PC.

Weird, I don't think I've ever seen a slowdown xD Maybe it's just me... How badass would it be if they took the cut-scenes into consideration :D Those running at what 24fps? XD

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