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Zkuq said:
leo-j said:
Alright, this is stupid its becoming the same "MGS4 IS PRE RENDERED " argument.

Believe what you want, but I and every single owner of MGS4 know that it doesnt run at 30fps, HEAVNELY SWORD runs at 30fps, and to say that MGS4 is about as steady as GTA 4 (fps) is the same as playing MGS4 drunk and comparing it to GTA 4.

It's mostly running at around 30 FPS. There's a little stuttering in some situations but nothing serious and at times it's 60 FPS for a short while but it's nothing serious either. No, it's not between 30 FPS and 60 FPS either - it's 30 FPS with a little stuttering sometimes.The runs just fine, it's not that bad to have a framerate of 30 FPS. The game is still excellent. Oh, and it clearly is 30, not 60. If you say it's 60 FPS, you obviously haven't played any 60 FPS games. Yes, I've played it - three times actually, and I'm planning to play again a few times.

Oh, and it appears that MGS4 might actually have a few pre-rendered scenes. Only a few, though, but still some.

No point in mentioning 60 at all unless you're referring to crawling or some such trivial matter.
