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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Proof that reviews are meaningless

if people are getting tired why dont he just add me on psn and make them shut up. Its not a hard thing to do actually...

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masterb8tr said:
no he doesnt have to, but he should so those who dont believe him can shut up. Its not a hard thing to do either


What you're asking me to do wil only prove to you that I've played the game. I really don't have the need to prove to you anything at this point... If Leo-J was still harrasing me, I'd do it for him...but you came here out of the left field and are demanding proof for some reason.

You can add me on PSN if you want...Bleedo.

But I am not going to prove to you I've played MGS4 by booting it right now so you can see. I'm heading to work.

After hearing that publishers pay reviewers to score their games high, or after hearing the Jeff dude from do with Kane & Lynch. It's so hard for me to trust reviews now.

I completely understand your preference, disolitude. I played Need for Speed Most Wanted for the Xbox 360 over GTA IV. I liked Most Wanted better and enjoyed it. Now that I beat that game, I'm playing Peter Jackson's King Kong now on the Xbox 360.

I use to use reviews as a way to justify my purchase because I didn't want to buy the wrong game. It's been proven to me that reviews are nothing but opinions of another person and shouldn't make you play the game because that reviewer said it sucked or its awesome.

If you like what you see as far as gameplay videos are concerned then buy the game and play the game. Thats what I've been doing the past couple of months.

Reviews generally make me sick reading that this game is trash because it didn't have this. Oh effing well. Get over it and play the game.

I know most of you are reviewers yourself. Everyone on the board say that they didn't like this game because of it did this and didn't like it because of that. Your a reviewer and your disagreeing with the reviewer that recommended the game for you.

So generally speaking, like I said. Reviews can sometimes be bias to certain games, paid buy publishers, can just say horrible things because they actually didn't play the game to the fullest so they said something in the review so that you won't pick it up.

All those factor into me forgetting about reviews and me actually looking at gameplay videos and reading about what the game is, then listening to someone giving a bias opinion about a game.

And might I add, it would be nice if ioi added a blog feature within each person's profile. So we can get vg dollars for making personal reviews on games, rather than having someone primary on the front page make a review to the public.

I would certainly like it :)

Rock_on_2008 said:
disolitude: Saying Alone in the Dark is more fun than MGS 4. Is like saying both Lair and Haze are better games than both Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Your point being?

I would prefer play Lair to Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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WHAT? is there actually somebody who did not like MGS4? THIS CAN'T BE! COME ON FANBOYS, LET'S GET HIM!!!!!!!!! ATTACK!!!!!

Very childish community here. It is ridiculous, that you have to justify your taste.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

ecurbj said:

After hearing that publishers pay reviewers to score their games high, or after hearing the Jeff dude from do with Kane & Lynch. It's so hard for me to trust reviews now.

I completely understand your preference, disolitude. I played Need for Speed Most Wanted for the Xbox 360 over GTA IV. I liked Most Wanted better and enjoyed it. Now that I beat that game, I'm playing Peter Jackson's King Kong now on the Xbox 360.

I use to use reviews as a way to justify my purchase because I didn't want to buy the wrong game. It's been proven to me that reviews are nothing but opinions of another person and shouldn't make you play the game because that reviewer said it sucked or its awesome.

If you like what you see as far as gameplay videos are concerned then buy the game and play the game. Thats what I've been doing the past couple of months.

Reviews generally make me sick reading that this game is trash because it didn't have this. Oh effing well. Get over it and play the game.

I know most of you are reviewers yourself. Everyone on the board say that they didn't like this game because of it did this and didn't like it because of that. Your a reviewer and your disagreeing with the reviewer that recommended the game for you.

So generally speaking, like I said. Reviews can sometimes be bias to certain games, paid buy publishers, can just say horrible things because they actually didn't play the game to the fullest so they said something in the review so that you won't pick it up.

All those factor into me forgetting about reviews and me actually looking at gameplay videos and reading about what the game is, then listening to someone giving a bias opinion about a game.


 This is the point I was trying to make but said in a more intelligent manner...good stuff.

I read the IGN review fully and he points out some things(like the forklift puzzle) which made me laugh as I realized that he was reviewing this game based on his personal gaming prefferences, not as a gaming entity which is to be purchased by other tastes.

two people who can't accept that someone thinks that MGS4 isn't the greatest thing ever created are 15,and 18 years old..... you guys should come back when you are dry behind your ears...

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints


...(silence)... I feel ooooold....

Amen disolitude. There have been far too many games that I've absolutely loved, that have only had mediocre reviews. I just got Alone in the Dark myself. The first 15 minutes have been great so far. Hopefully I like it as much as you.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)