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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Proof that reviews are meaningless

I ran in to this beauty today...IGN US review of alone in the dark.

4.5 Presentation
The story and dialogue are goofy, and both are delivered awkwardly. A DVD-esque menu system is good for skipping around, but otherwise it’s pretty useless when there’s little worth watching.
6.0 Graphics
Central Park looks adequately spooky at times, and the game runs smoothly. But most character models, enemies and environments lack personality.
6.5 Sound
The soundtrack is catchy, creepy and atmospheric. But the voice acting is cringe-worthy.
3.0 Gameplay
Glitchy, buggy, frustrating, boring and repetitive. The few truly interesting puzzles don’t balance out the annoying inventory system, controls and combat.
3.0 Lasting Appeal
You probably won't want to finish this game, let alone play it more than once. Since everything is open from the very beginning, there's nothing to go back and unlock.


I bought this game and have been playing it for 4 days now. I'm almost at the end and I am really enjoying it(more so than MGS4 I played before hand). Had I read this review before I bought it I would have denied myself the opportunity to play this game. Good thing I dont listen to reviews. All I know is that I like survival horror games, and this was the first true survival horror game I've played in a few years so I bought it, and thank god I did.

About the game...while this game isn't perfect and is quite glitchy at times...its very different and quite interesting due to the fact it doesnt follow conventional gameplay cliches. I actually can't believe that anyone who has been approved by a large gaming site like IGN to review games would give this game a 3.5.  Even if someone doesn't like survival horror, there is no way this game should score under 6.

How can IGN UK review this at 7 and IGN US at 3.5?

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That's not so much proof as evidence you have different preferences than a single reviewer. Who would've thought?

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

Yeah, I should ignore reviews of genres I like. I ignored bad Riviera the promised land review and am glad I did. I heeded bad review of Luminous Arc; I should pick it up now that I remembered it!

You enjoy this game more than MGS4?




Next up: proof that the sky is blue and water is wet.

I'm just glad to hear Alone in the Dark is making a comeback. Didn't the original single-handedly invent survival horror gaming? That game pissed me off, but I gotta give it mad historical props.

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Picko said:
That's not so much proof as evidence you have different preferences than a single reviewer. Who would've thought?

Considering most people on this site pase their arguments around metacritic scores, I think this is proof enough.

i played the wii version of this game for about 2 hours its not as bad as this review says, the voice acting is crap though at least they got that right, from what i played i would give it 6-7

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

This is why I rely more on sites like metacritic or GameRankings who give an average of reviews.
I take a look at what the top scoring review says, that the lowest review says and skim the rest to get the general concensus. Alone on 360 has an average of 60 which (to me) means, if you really like this type of game you might enjoy it, but it's not great.

No Wii reviews yet... Bet the average will be 35 for that one...


reviews arnt meant to tell you how to enjoy your game, i think they are mostly there for people who are unsure of the game they want and dont want to take the risk of investing their money.

thats why i dont judge it based on 1 review. i look at overall reviews.
metacritic, gamerankings etc

leo-j said:
You enjoy this game more than MGS4?


I sure am.

MGS4 had me watching some cool cutscenes and had an interesting conclusion to a great story. But gameplay wise it was absolutely nothing I havent seen before.

While you can tell a only a small group of people worked on alone in the dark while a small country worked on metal gear solid 4 due to the huge amount of polish that game can also tell that without the polish, Alone in the dark is a brand new gaming experience while MGS4 is a repeat of the past 3 great games in that series.