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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Kid Icarus and AC confirmed? Ummm...

If Kid Icarus and Animal Crossing are already confirmed for E3 and are out in public (SomeWhat), then what the f**k does Nintendo haveup it's sleeve? Anybody? As far as I'm concerned, Pikmin, and/or starfox and/or a new Zelda are all but confirmed for late 08, and early 09...

What else could they have hidden... (New ip?)




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__XBrawlX__ said:

If Kid Icarus and Animal Crossing are already confirmed for E3 and are out in public (SomeWhat), then what the f**k does Nintendo haveup it's sleeve? Anybody? As far as I'm concerned, Pikmin, and/or starfox and/or a new Zelda are all but confirmed for late 08, and early 09...

What else could they have hidden... (New ip?)


Nothing you are not suppose to know that they are coming the average Joe doesn't so that's the surprise.When people like you and me now this stuff we tend to think that something bigger is coming but that's not the case just when everyone here started thinking that nintendo power was going to annouce golden sun  III and they reveal tales of symphonia:Dotnw.

Where did you get this confirmation from?

Luigi Mansion 2 and Donkey Kong Country 4, anyone?

Kirby, Disaster, Star Fox, Pikmin, Pokemon, SMG2, New Zelda, Kid Icarus, show more Wario Land, Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs Wii, a new "Wii" brand game, new IP, Kirby, Kirby Air ride 2, Luigi's mansion 2, PilotWiings (that would be funny), Mother Anthology/Mother 3/Earthbound 2, new Wario Ware, Mario Party 9, Super Smash Bros DS, New Super Mario bros 2/New Super Mario World, Metroid dread, advance wars for Wii... Nintendo could have A LOT of different things up their sleeves.

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i hope they come out with a totally different kind of game series

super_etecoon said:
Where did you get this confirmation from?


Somebody posted something that came straight from E3 affiliates (Website?) about the confirmed E3 game, and those 2 games were on the list...




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

I would say xelda would be the biggest. Here are all of nintendos available franchises.

Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus
Donkey Kong
Golden Sun
Custom Robo
Star Tropics
Eternal Darkness
Pilot Wings

Mario Spinoff

Wario is coming September
I believe there are many more that I can't remember
Series that may be revived after long dead (games dead since nes/snes/gb)
Kid Icarus
Star Tropics

Now I say nintendo will have alot of new ips, and bring back alot of old series that have been gone a generation or two or three.

Hawkeye said:
Kirby, Disaster, Star Fox, Pikmin, Pokemon, SMG2, New Zelda, Kid Icarus, show more Wario Land, Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs Wii, a new "Wii" brand game, new IP, Kirby, Kirby Air ride 2, Luigi's mansion 2, PilotWiings (that would be funny), Mother Anthology/Mother 3/Earthbound 2, new Wario Ware, Mario Party 9, Super Smash Bros DS, New Super Mario bros 2/New Super Mario World, Metroid dread, advance wars for Wii... Nintendo could have A LOT of different things up their sleeves.

You say Kirby 2 times and Advance Wars is actually released on Wii under the name Batallion Wars 2


Hawkeye said:
Kirby, Disaster, Star Fox, Pikmin, Pokemon, SMG2, New Zelda, Kid Icarus, show more Wario Land, Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs Wii, a new "Wii" brand game, new IP, Kirby, Kirby Air ride 2, Luigi's mansion 2, PilotWiings (that would be funny), Mother Anthology/Mother 3/Earthbound 2, new Wario Ware, Mario Party 9, Super Smash Bros DS, New Super Mario bros 2/New Super Mario World, Metroid dread, advance wars for Wii... Nintendo could have A LOT of different things up their sleeves.

You say Kirby 2 times and Advance Wars is actually released on Wii under the name Batallion Wars 2


No it isn;t. Advance wars is turn based, battalion wars is real time, and they are two totally different games.