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Forums - General Discussion - NASA warming scientist: This is the last chance "We're Toast"

MrBubbles said:
thats a joke, right? Al Gore the biggest liar and fearmonger in existance.

I take it you havn't watched and you are only being extremely biased due to politics.


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Sadly, i have seen it. im not even from the US so youre partisan nonsense doesnt concern me as his politics dont effect me. When he starts lying, fearmongering and creating eco-nazis then i have an issue.

With all the real environmental issues, we hardly need him fooling the worlds sheep into following this destructive path. Some real issues could actually be dealt with, if it wasnt for this global warming sham.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
thats a joke, right? Al Gore the biggest liar and fearmonger in existance.

I take it you havn't watched and you are only being extremely biased due to politics.


You do realize that movie was actually brought to court and found to have several inconsistancies and outright lies in it, right?

When watching a movie changes your life, you might wanna determine if the movie is biased.

That movie isn't accurate, and you should go to wikipedia to find out some of the inconsistancies cited in the court case.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


epsilon72 said:

Oh please....not another one.

Cue all of the alarmists shrieking that anyone who doesn't automatically buy into this is an ignorant "global warming denier".

Oh wait.....too late.

Is pollution bad? Yes. Do I personally enjoy exploring and learning about nature, animals and such? Yes. Do we have to crush our economy and radically change our lives to pander to this blown out of proportion hoax? Hell no.

Bolded is greatly untrue.

As I mentioned, watch "An Inconvient Truth". At the end Gore shows that we do not have to do dramtic changes to immediately affect global warming for the better.

Simply remove all regular light bulbs with halogen, which I personally don't understand why you wouldn't want to use them, has a dramatic change across the board in terms of energy consumption which in turn reduces the waste put out by electricity plants.

Combine that with realistic drop in emissions in newer vehicles, which Europe and other countries have already began implementing, and that actually causes the rate of change to level off.

The problem is there are too many people who get very rich based on how things are now and these changes will cause them, not us, to lose some money. Therefore, they push their agenda to our wonderful lobbiest system and help stop change.

Need proof, google the history of Home Depot and ceiling fans. HD almost single handingly stopped all legislature that would have forced them to be dramatically more energy efficient. However, since HD owns a very large percentage of the ceiling fan business these changes would have cost them a decent chunk of income. Thus, they used their lobbying powers to stop ALL pressure to make the fans more efficient.

Search Tesla motors. They have already proved you can make a viable electric car that uses NO OIL and produces no emissions. Granted, it would cause you to use more electricity, but the energy consumption in that exchange is far less than the current gasoline powered vehicles.

Actually read about the Kyoto Accords that the current administrations turned their noses up to. These changes would not have killed our economy, etc, blah blah.

We (US) produce more waste than the next few countries combined. We should spend more money to fix the problem since we are the primary cause. Soon, though, we won't have that title. China and India are quickly catching us and with a much larger population they will certainly be the nail in the Earth's coffin if we don't change soon and guide them in the same direction.

Again, I encourage all of you to put aside stupid political leanings and just watch "An Inconvient Truth". It is really a well done, purely scientific look at global warming.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
thats a joke, right? Al Gore the biggest liar and fearmonger in existance.

I take it you havn't watched and you are only being extremely biased due to politics.


You do realize that movie was actually brought to court and found to have several inconsistancies and outright lies in it, right?

When watching a movie changes your life, you might wanna determine if the movie is biased.

That movie isn't accurate, and you should go to wikipedia to find out some of the inconsistancies cited in the court case.

So 9 potential errors out of tons of factual information given in that movie make in biased and unrealiable. Talk about cherrypicking.

ok, fine, if some of you are too close-minded to think that we are negatively affecting our atmosphere at least you can realize that there are only a finite amount of the materials we use to create energy and by reducing our reliance on these materials and the overall use of them is a very good thing that in reality is a must for the longterm.

Then by using alternative fuels and making everything we can more efficient we also reduce the atmospheric waste.


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superchunk said:
epsilon72 said:

Oh please....not another one.

Cue all of the alarmists shrieking that anyone who doesn't automatically buy into this is an ignorant "global warming denier".

Oh wait.....too late.

Is pollution bad? Yes. Do I personally enjoy exploring and learning about nature, animals and such? Yes. Do we have to crush our economy and radically change our lives to pander to this blown out of proportion hoax? Hell no.

Again, I encourage all of you to put aside stupid political leanings and just watch "An Inconvient Truth". It is really a well done, purely scientific look at global warming.


I have no problems with electric cars, as long as they would be practical and have more benefits than internal combustion engine based ones. Right now the techonology isn't good enough for us to start using them (limited range, cost), even if we do need them because of high gas prices. Why do I still use incandescent lights? Because I dislike flourescent light - it's ugly. When something like a full-spectrum LED is developed and released at the right price level, I'd be all for buying them when a light bulb burns out.

I'm not buying the "Inconvenient Truth" thing. I'm not going to watch a movie that has to resort to using computer generated scenes from that laughable "Day After Tomorrow" movie to make its point....not to mention the fact that Al Gore was behind it - a washed up fool of a politician that profits from this scam that he's managed to blow out of proportion.

-and we aren't against finding new energy sources, as long as they are economically viable.


superchunk said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
thats a joke, right? Al Gore the biggest liar and fearmonger in existance.

I take it you havn't watched and you are only being extremely biased due to politics.


You do realize that movie was actually brought to court and found to have several inconsistancies and outright lies in it, right?

When watching a movie changes your life, you might wanna determine if the movie is biased.

That movie isn't accurate, and you should go to wikipedia to find out some of the inconsistancies cited in the court case.

So 9 potential errors out of tons of factual information given in that movie make in biased and unrealiable. Talk about cherrypicking.

ok, fine, if some of you are too close-minded to think that we are negatively affecting our atmosphere at least you can realize that there are only a finite amount of the materials we use to create energy and by reducing our reliance on these materials and the overall use of them is a very good thing that in reality is a must for the longterm.

Then by using alternative fuels and making everything we can more efficient we also reduce the atmospheric waste.


Question, will these changes take effect during my lifetime? If not, what should my motivation be to take steps that require hardship on my part, to prevent said changes?


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
superchunk said:

So 9 potential errors out of tons of factual information given in that movie make in biased and unrealiable. Talk about cherrypicking.

ok, fine, if some of you are too close-minded to think that we are negatively affecting our atmosphere at least you can realize that there are only a finite amount of the materials we use to create energy and by reducing our reliance on these materials and the overall use of them is a very good thing that in reality is a must for the longterm.

Then by using alternative fuels and making everything we can more efficient we also reduce the atmospheric waste.


Question, will these changes take effect during my lifetime? If not, what should my motivation be to take steps that require hardship on my part, to prevent said changes?


During your lifetime...maybe. I guess that all depends on how quickly China and India keep industrializing and increasing their use of coal.

Even if it doesn't, is there no one younger than you that you have any care for? Are you seriously that selfish and inhumane that you don't care if human civilization continues?

If not, then people like you really disturb me.

You're only 25 years old, according to your profile, so you could easily live another 50-60 years.

Well, if you sooner or later have children, I bet your take on the future of this planet will change quickly. I know I can't look at my three kids and completely dismiss the notion of Global Warming. Especially when so much science backs it up.


superchunk said:

 just watch "An Inconvient Truth". It is really a well done, purely scientific look at global warming.



 i laughed so hard when i read that......and then i stopped, because you really believe it.  and that isnt funny.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

whatever said:

If it weren't so sad, it would be funny that in the face of all the data we have, people will still deny that human activity has a HUGE impact on the planet.

Can you define "huge impact" please.

No, I didn't think so.