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superchunk said:
epsilon72 said:

Oh please....not another one.

Cue all of the alarmists shrieking that anyone who doesn't automatically buy into this is an ignorant "global warming denier".

Oh wait.....too late.

Is pollution bad? Yes. Do I personally enjoy exploring and learning about nature, animals and such? Yes. Do we have to crush our economy and radically change our lives to pander to this blown out of proportion hoax? Hell no.

Again, I encourage all of you to put aside stupid political leanings and just watch "An Inconvient Truth". It is really a well done, purely scientific look at global warming.


I have no problems with electric cars, as long as they would be practical and have more benefits than internal combustion engine based ones. Right now the techonology isn't good enough for us to start using them (limited range, cost), even if we do need them because of high gas prices. Why do I still use incandescent lights? Because I dislike flourescent light - it's ugly. When something like a full-spectrum LED is developed and released at the right price level, I'd be all for buying them when a light bulb burns out.

I'm not buying the "Inconvenient Truth" thing. I'm not going to watch a movie that has to resort to using computer generated scenes from that laughable "Day After Tomorrow" movie to make its point....not to mention the fact that Al Gore was behind it - a washed up fool of a politician that profits from this scam that he's managed to blow out of proportion.

-and we aren't against finding new energy sources, as long as they are economically viable.