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Forums - General Discussion - Noname levels up!

Random Thread x1 appears!

Random Thread casts Link.

Reading Comprehension takes 634 damage.

Reading Comprehensionis knocked out!

Noname takes 508 damage.

Noname is confused!

Reality takes 458 damage.

Noname uses Lame Joke.

It had no effect!

Reality begins casting a spell...

Random Thread calls for reinforcements.

Troll x1 appears!

Troll attacks.

Reality takes 823 damage.

Reality is knocked out!

Noname uses Absurdly Long Post.

Random Thread is dead!

Troll gets bored!

Troll flees.


Noname gains 1 XP.

Noname gains VG$ 0.24.

Noname levels up!

Noname is now a Regular!

Noname is one step closer to his life dream of becoming an X-tra Large!

Troll dropped Dgnity

But your inventory is full!

Drop an item?

    >Yes            No

Which item?

    Rcpes         Hstry      LwSchl

    CmnSnse   SptTrva  >Modsty

    Bdays         TVGde     KnmiCde

    RPGStf        MtrSklls   MovQtes


Noname drops Modesty (It was only plated)

Noname is now openly a Jackass!

Noname learned Image Embedding!

Around the Network

500 is the magic number huh?

i forgot to make a thread about my new found regularness, its good to be out of noob town, but i still feel like one

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
RolStoppable said:
At least you kept your post shorter than usual. Anyway, congrats.


It hurts because it's true...Anyhow, thanks.

Sound like a Pokemon battle

Around the Network

I still have a few more to go. Though I used to be a "regular" since it used to only take 100 posts.

Sound like a Pokemon battle


Noname is evolving? That definitely doesn't sound accurate. But yeah, I was going more for the NES RPG thing.

@whatever: You're almost there! Personally, I've found that my newfound status gives me an insight and maturity that I lacked all of ten minutes ago, just like how I was suddenly responsible enough to drink overnight after turning 21.

It reminded me of that boss battle in the original (I believe?) Wario Ware game, when you have to beat the boss by selecting the option that was spelled correctly and made sense given the situation. It was hilarious.

woot welcome to the normies.