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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Is The Most Amount of Time You Have Played a Game(s) in a Day?

I'm shocked at those that are shocked that the numbers are high. I don't keep close tabs on myself, but there are many games I've played for at least 30 hours...

Diablo, Starcraft, Diablo 2, Everquest, NCAA Football 03-08, Axis and Allies (board game), and probably others I'm forgetting...

I definitely played MGS4 for over 15 recently, only interupted because I had to watch a movie.

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RolStoppable said:
When I got Ocarina of Time on December 11th 1998 I sat down for a single session of 20 hours, starting in the afternoon until noon of the next day. I have no intentions to beat this personal record.

I did the same thing, but porbalby a few hours less.  It's not even my favorite Zelda.  But it was like "ZOMG gold cartridge and time travel" and stuff back then when I had no life.

Now I'm old and I play games that make me do push-ups, and the only thing that keeps me up for more than 30 hours at a time is homework.



Recently... maybe a full day of gaming when Brawl launched.  Before that... a full day with 2 GameCubes, 2 TVs, the adapters, and 8 homies playing Double Dash until the sun came up.  Before that... StarCraft... for about 6 years straight.

26 hours of Red Alert 2 my parents where pissed because i had to go to school in the morning

pichu_pichu said:
10 hours on Pokemon Pearl, is more addicting than heroin.


The longest I ever played pearl was for about 5 hours, seems your a bigger fan than me :)

i beat both of you i put around 12 hours in one session i just kept my DS plugged into the charger that whole first day


at least 12 hours without sleep on each of Civ 1, 2, 3 and 4. That series stole my life

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I almost feel unworthy to post in this thread, but my record is probably only 5-6 hours each on the days I got Bioshock and Mass Effect.

windbane said:
I'm shocked at those that are shocked that the numbers are high. I don't keep close tabs on myself, but there are many games I've played for at least 30 hours...

Diablo, Starcraft, Diablo 2, Everquest, NCAA Football 03-08, Axis and Allies (board game), and probably others I'm forgetting...

I definitely played MGS4 for over 15 recently, only interupted because I had to watch a movie.


 wtf dude are you serious. 30 hours straight.

seriously even if i smoked meth i couldnt even play games that long.


I envy you

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I played Call of Duty 4 online more then 24h...!

thekitchensink said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
Gears of War Marathon, 12 hours non stop playing gears online


 Hah!  16!  XD

18  !!!! since 10 am to 4 am of the nex day (of course i stop playing foreat)

On vacatios (like now) or weekends, i play like 6 to 10 hours daily. Today i played 7 hours Guitar Hero and CoD 4.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

my longest is probably when i went to a lan of my friends, starting at 06:00 the next day and not sleeping for a day, after about 30 hours i lay down on the couch since we weren't playing any games at the time and i fell asleep :P