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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How do you afford your gaming hobby?

dtekdahl00 said:
I referee soccer and use my free stuff site. I own a Wii and 9 games (not including wii sports) plus all the neccesary remotes and nunchucks Paid for the Wii and Twilight princess with ref money. What do you do to pay for what you have?


Soccer referee eh? My sympathies. I reffed for at least 5 years doing intramural to travel and youth state tournaments. Parents can really kill te experience as they can be vicious at times.


For me, I make more than enough doing summer internships for companies. The bigger challenge is the time for gaming, which unfortunately seems nonexistant now.

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work hard and gamefly on a budget by and sell used games the regular stuff!

Yeah. I'm 16, and parents tend to think that since i'm not an adult they can abuse me into changing my calls easier than they could someone older. Its pretty rough.
I primarily ref the summer tournaments

Edit your signature or you will be banned. Aww :(

I clean toilets at a catholic school.

oh wait, thats someone else i'm thinking of.

my parents paid for my PS3 (back when it was more expensive too :)), and they'll buy some random games. but I paid for my 360.

i work a job that is only ok, im the manager of a planet smoothie. work there full time and i am a full time college student. so i have the money to buy games just no time to play them. shoot i bought MGS4 at midnight when it came out and havent even played it. my super mario galaxy is still shrinkwrapped and i bought that wayyyyy back

Xbox live and Playstation Network = Foulcun

Not playing my wii online yet...maybe you can talk me into it

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A full time programming job. But I also have a wife and cat to feed.

Once in a while maid and (before) money from my father. Though now if I buy a game I can't buy anything else. I got bills to pay. -__-'

ZenfoldorVGI said:
NJ5 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I get all my games for free, from trading on ebay. We refer to you guys are "marks" or "lames." The ones who pay full price.

More info can be found here, in the post where Zenfoldor took pity on the masses:

Also called "guys who make games exist". Do you think people buy games because they don't know how to save money?



lol, point taken. I couldn't pull all the heists I do, if it weren't for working schmos grinding it out for God and country.

If it weren't for lames souring the jobs, I'd get all my entertainment and food for free, see. Too many hands in the pie.


lol, 1920's gangstafoldor aside, I'd have 3 people PM me, thanking me for showing them how to buy games cheaply on ebay, so apparently somebody simply didn't know how to save hundreds of dollars when buying games until I showed them.

You do realize that most of the games from ebay are from people who don't play them anymore, or from actual game stores who have so many games that they actually have to sell them at a competitive price, on ebay.

I mean, what kind of markup are you paying on entertainment nowadays? Depending on the game, about 10 to 4,000,000%?

What if I don't wanna pay 60 dollars to play Assassin's Creed?

Buying games off Ebay is much less morally ambigious than renting services like gamefly, which ensure that most people never buy games at all. Or even gamestop who also buys and sells used games but who also cheat you at every turn.

I do support games that I feel deserve it, but what if I want to buy a game and play through it, that I don't think deserves it? I literally buy crap games all the time. I love games. They don't have to be good for me to play them. However, I don't wanna pay full price, and I don't wanna tell the companies, "Hey, I bought this game, make more like it."

Thats buying smart. I am buying about 60% of my games used on Amazon these days, and by the end of summer I should be up to about 80%. Some games you just got to buy new though- Mario Kart, Smash act. At least I feel the need :D

I am trying to get a job as a bagger to afford gaming this summer.



Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Amazon is a great place to buy new games as well, Hawkeye!