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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

I vote for a systems wars forum.

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epinefridis said:
I really don't know if you have personal issues and I don't care. Since you do your job well, I'm pleased.
On topic. The problem is quite obvious. And I really don't understand why certain users who create certain braindead threads, are still active.
I don't wanna name, and its not my job to do so. But noone here is blind.
"Sony or MS" "Will 360 dissapear" "Is PS3 a money sink?" "MGS4 or Wii Fit?" "discuss people"
Discuss fuckin what you moron?

The sad thing is that suddenly these threads have 70 posts, and are in the front page all the time, cause WE keep them active. So, first of all, WE, USERS, have to ignore these idiots. For gods sake, how is it possible to participate in such dumbass debates?
But many people do. Is this immaturity or stupidity? I don't know.

The bad thing is, many serious users are discouraged from this situation and leave the site. So, inevitably, the users quality is falling apart. And this is fatal for the site.


Am I the only one who noticed this? (For the irony, if nothing else)

As in go buy us some coffee.

Million said:

Your basicly nomitating every Nintendo Fan/Fanboy to kick every Sony Fan/Fanboys , 360 Fan/Fanboys asses. They tend see differences in opinion as trolling unless it's Nintendo related. From my own limited perspective, I think the guys I named are fair and level handed. If you have a different opinion fine.

Edit : This thread is a "personal attack" ironicaly , from what i've seen you've already mentioned the names of two people who haven't even posted in this thread. Maybe my defintion of a personal attack is wrong but it looks like your using this thread for your own agenda , nomiating mods , calling out users WTF ? Well, i've named two? actually it was one and that was merely a joke, Everyone knows how many threads that person posts so its not like im attacking him personally. Look on the front page, there are 3 made by him. Hes quite prolific. I certainly never meant it as an attack because its pointless attacking people when im just a regular poster.




frybread said:
A solution that will make everyone happy:

1) Make a forum for fanboy wars. Let people get it out of their system.
2) Ban anyone trolling anywhere else, including sales reports.

That would be an excellent idea! O_O


MontanaHatchet said:
Honestly, I'm just too tired right now to think about it all. Bod is the only other mod on right now and he moderates lightly. Frankly, we should just be adding new mods every time the rest of us lose ambition, which seems to be the case here.

I'd like to throw my name in for that short list.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Just wondering, but is this the only forum you post on? This is by far the tamest and most intelligent forum I've ever been on, outside of AVS, but back during the format war even that forum went to shit with all the trolling and flaming.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Honestly, I'm just too tired right now to think about it all. Bod is the only other mod on right now and he moderates lightly. Frankly, we should just be adding new mods every time the rest of us lose ambition, which seems to be the case here.

I'd like to throw my name in for that short list.


There are a LOT of factors to consider. Frankly, I should probably be locking this, but I'm just too tired to bother. But if someone else think it's bad then that's fine. You're a good fellow, but you've got competition on this site.




ZenfoldorVGI said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Honestly, I'm just too tired right now to think about it all. Bod is the only other mod on right now and he moderates lightly. Frankly, we should just be adding new mods every time the rest of us lose ambition, which seems to be the case here.

I'd like to throw my name in for that short list.


I'll second Zen for mod nomination. While he has strong opinions he has a lot of common sense.


GlingGling said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Honestly, I'm just too tired right now to think about it all. Bod is the only other mod on right now and he moderates lightly. Frankly, we should just be adding new mods every time the rest of us lose ambition, which seems to be the case here.

I'd like to throw my name in for that short list.


I'll second Zen for mod nomination. While he has strong opinions he has a lot of common sense.



 Me too. Hes a cool poster, quite reasonable.

I only use two. This one and Beyond3d.


lolita said:
frybread said:
A solution that will make everyone happy:

1) Make a forum for fanboy wars. Let people get it out of their system.
2) Ban anyone trolling anywhere else, including sales reports.

That would be an excellent idea! O_O



Have you guys ever heard of GameSpot's System Wars board?  It was initially formed for reasons much like those you are discussing, but it only attracted fanboys from other websites, who then spread to the other boards on GameSpot.  System Wars devolved into one of the worst abominations on the internet, and it had rather negative impacts on the rest of the site.  Only the Unions were kept safe, because they were user controlled.

Edit: Here's a good description of SW:

Hehe.  And there are more in that second link I posted.