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Million said:

Your basicly nomitating every Nintendo Fan/Fanboy to kick every Sony Fan/Fanboys , 360 Fan/Fanboys asses. They tend see differences in opinion as trolling unless it's Nintendo related. From my own limited perspective, I think the guys I named are fair and level handed. If you have a different opinion fine.

Edit : This thread is a "personal attack" ironicaly , from what i've seen you've already mentioned the names of two people who haven't even posted in this thread. Maybe my defintion of a personal attack is wrong but it looks like your using this thread for your own agenda , nomiating mods , calling out users WTF ? Well, i've named two? actually it was one and that was merely a joke, Everyone knows how many threads that person posts so its not like im attacking him personally. Look on the front page, there are 3 made by him. Hes quite prolific. I certainly never meant it as an attack because its pointless attacking people when im just a regular poster.


