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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ratchet and Clank V.S. Jax and Daxter *what series is better*

I like Jak & Daxter better.  Hoping we'll see a PS3 iteration relatively soon.

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Jak & Daxter,of course.Dark characters always wins.

PS3 needs to have a J&D game on it so we can compare it to R&C then we can truly say what series is better

Jak & Daxter

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Jak & Daxter.  It was my favorite ps2 series after MGS.  Well, God of War came close.

Of course, I've only played Ratchet & Clank Future, and I didn't come close to finishing it.

I prefer Jak & Daxter. They are more platform based than action based

jd by a hair

in my collection i literally have it in this order with no other games between: jd2, jd3, rc:futures, rc:commando, rc1, jd1, rc:arsenal. i love both series to death, BUT I FREAKING NEED A NEW JD GAME, especially without a psp yet.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Jak and Daxter.

Jak & Daxter has the better storyline, but I prefer the gameplay of Ratchet games, because of three reasons:

- No "fuck this game" - like driving stages
- More variety in gameplay outside said stages (IIRC)
- Jak 3:s ending was completely ridiculous

Therefore, I like the R&C games more, but not that much.

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