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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Concept of perfection- Is it attainable?

Incandescence said:
Nothing is perfect in life.

/end topic


It depends on what your view of perfect is, so I'd have to disagree with you. It's definitely possible for something to be perfect to someone. Don't confuse improbability with impossibility. =P

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if the review system is 1-10 then i certainly think that 10's should be given to the best games.

10 doesn't have to mean the game is perfect, just really really good!

In % ratings i still think a game can get the top marks. What can make the difference between 99% and 100%? Not much.

5 point ratings are the best because everyone knows 5 means really good!

No, there's no way someone can create a game that appeals to everyone while executing perfectly it's technical side. The last point because there's always room for improvement.

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You're calling for definitions of perfect which set up criteria that contradict each other. Certainly something can be perfect, that is to say without flaw, and still be disliked.

What you're asking for isn't perfection, it's complete and universal appeal. And that's impossible.

Chrizum said:

I actually seriously hate Tetris.  It is the single reason why to this day I still do not like puzzle games.


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Looks like tetris got ruled out by random person B

Alot of people seem to agree that perfection is impossible...
Looks like we got some thoughtful disussion going.

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

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Random Person B said:
Chrizum said:

I actually seriously hate Tetris.  It is the single reason why to this day I still do not like puzzle games.



Wait, you don't like one certain puzzle game, so now you dislike ALL puzzle games? Harsh, man!

Perfection is not impossible. To me Oddworld: Abes Oddysee is gaming perfection. I can't think of a single thing they could have done to make that game any better in my opinion.

Chrizum said:


 that game gets boring in 5 min.


Pac Man.

flames_of said:
Looks like tetris got ruled out by random person B

Alot of people seem to agree that perfection is impossible...
Looks like we got some thoughtful disussion going.

You are not asking about perfection.

You are asking about universal appeal.

The two concepts are not even tangentially related.