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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Please don't remake Final Fantasy 6 for DS

Sullla said:
I love Final Fantasy 3/6. It was a great game, and I spent many happy hours playing it - in 1995. If I want to play the game again, I can simply put the cartridge in my SNES and play the game once more. I don't want to see the game recycled yet again (is this the third or fourth time the game would be remade? There have already been PS1, GBA, and now DS remakes!)

How about some NEW Final Fantasy games instead! How's Final Fantasy 13 coming along, eh? Wasn't that supposed to be ready in 2007, not 2009? Is Versus ever going to see the light of day? What about the Crystal Chronicles game for Wii? Enough remakes! Do something new and original instead!


A large part of me wants to agree with this post, just on principle. The problem is that Square's games post-SNES just haven't appealled to me as much as they did before. There are some obvious exceptions: IX was fantastic, Tactics remains my favorite SRPG yet, and Xenogears disc one was good times. But for the most part, what's come out under the label just doesn't have the same magic for me. So to answer the original plea, I wouldn't mind a remake if they did something to enhance the game (aside from the graphics), but apart from adding some plot to the second half of the game I'm not sure what that would entail.

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sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

I would rather take no remake and boot it up on my SNES again.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

Yeah I guess it would be better for a new game that didn't use the ATB.


sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

Yeah I guess it would be better for a new game that didn't use the ATB.



I hated FF XII, so they can experiment with that game all they want. :)

ATB to some is slow enough as it is, I just see a Wii remake on FFVI just turning those people away even more as it would slow gameplay down another notch.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

Yeah I guess it would be better for a new game that didn't use the ATB.



I hated FF XII, so they can experiment with that game all they want. :)

XII wasn't turnbased though. I think it would be better in a new ip.  If a remake for VI does come to a home console It will probably come to the wii because of developement costs and it's appeal in japan. I'm sure they wouldn't make motion controls too gimickly in battles. Just let you point or use the nunchuck to pick menu systems. A ds remake will probably be more likely thiough, and it would be nice.


Around the Network
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

Yeah I guess it would be better for a new game that didn't use the ATB.



I hated FF XII, so they can experiment with that game all they want. :)

XII wasn't turnbased though. I think it would be better in a new ip.  If a remake for VI does come to a home console It will probably come to the wii because of developement costs and it's appeal in japan. I'm sure they wouldn't make motion controls too gimickly in battles. Just let you point or use the nunchuck to pick menu systems. A ds remake will probably be more likely thiough, and it would be nice.



I know. FFXII though is a game where I wouldn't mind them experimenting with the battle system since I hated it so much.

I just think turn based is kind of impossible on Wii unless you make the game manditory use of Classic or Gamecube controller, but if that was done, then a Wii remake would seem pointless.

A game like Fable however, although it will never happen, would easily work on the Wii.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

Yeah I guess it would be better for a new game that didn't use the ATB.



I hated FF XII, so they can experiment with that game all they want. :)

XII wasn't turnbased though. I think it would be better in a new ip.  If a remake for VI does come to a home console It will probably come to the wii because of developement costs and it's appeal in japan. I'm sure they wouldn't make motion controls too gimickly in battles. Just let you point or use the nunchuck to pick menu systems. A ds remake will probably be more likely thiough, and it would be nice.



I know. FFXII though is a game where I wouldn't mind them experimenting with the battle system since I hated it so much.

I just think turn based is kind of impossible on Wii unless you make the game manditory use of Classic or Gamecube controller, but if that was done, then a Wii remake would seem pointless.

A game like Fable however, although it will never happen, would easily work on the Wii.

Well I don't see turnbased showing up much at all this gen. Yeah and it would be pointless to the gamer, but to the company that wants to make money and spend the least, it probably makes alot of sense. There is this one game though that is coming to the ds. I believe it has to do with witches and runes or something. Well to attack and use magic you have to draw the rune symbols on the ds screen. This could probably work on the wii. It wouldn't take long to do quick gestures. ALso you choose your options using the nunchuck. So that would allow for normal play. For existing games that rune idea probably wouldn't work, but for new games it probably would work very nicely.


double post

I will buy FF6 remake no matter where it goes. It is one of the Few FFs I have not yet played(1,2,5,6)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

^Heh, nice double post. :p

Yes I agree there are plenty of RPG's that would work well on the Wii and it does seem like turn based is fading, although I seriously do not want every game I play to require gestures and hand movements.

I have always been one to get out of work, come home and game for a couple of hours and head off to sleep. I am more of a kick back and relax gamer. Have been for over 20 years now.

Not to say they shouldn't make them, but I dread the day turn based vanishes. Thank Mistwalker for breathing some life back into the genre with Lost Odyssey, easily one of the top RPG's this gen.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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