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sc94597 said:
Euphoria14 said:
I would love a remake on the DS if it comes to it, I would love it on the PS3 as well.

Just please SE keep it away from the Wii, how could anyone want motion controls in a game like this? If they were to make it work with the GC controller only, then I see no point in that either.

They need to do this game justice.

 Actually I believe it could allow for more interactive gameplay in a turn based rpg. Think about it. You choose what you want to do such as attack, or use magic. Now depending on how good you do a certain gesture, the more damage is done. Similarly how the ds' touch screen is used in some rpgs.



Touch works because it is a simple tap and choose. You can't take an active time battle and use some stupid pointer and highlight Attack, Magic, Defend, etc... without having your opponent pull off quite a few attacks first.

It would be HORRIBLE.

I can say one thing, if SE does this and destroys this game to appeal to many who don't even appreciate what this game was, then I for one will be done with them. This game is too much of a gem to waste time on pointless gameplay experiments which will undoubtedly anger the FFVI fanbase.

I would rather take no remake and boot it up on my SNES again.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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