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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The sales of the 360 are going up in Japan.

it's called worldwide Japanese dominance(in gaming)
microsoft always in last place in gaming lol

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Incredible thibje, now xbox 360 pro hdmi second at So for me, you are right, the 360 sells better now in Japan. For how many time, i don't know, but the last media create numbers shows what we have seen at amazon.

1.  ペルソナ4
プラットフォーム:   PlayStation2
  (113件のカスタマーレビュー) | 「この商品について語る」のトピックが3
発売日: 2008/7/10
近日発売 予約受付中

参考価格: ¥ 7,329

価格: ¥ 5,922

OFF: ¥ 1,407 (19%)

2.  Xbox 360(HDMI端子搭載)
プラットフォーム:   Xbox 360
  (86件のカスタマーレビュー) | 「この商品について語る」のトピックが1つ

参考価格: ¥ 34,800

価格: ¥ 33,060

OFF: ¥ 1,740 (5%)

4点の新品/中古商品を見る: ¥ 29,800より

3.  スーパーロボット大戦Z 特典 スーパーロボット大戦Z Premium Z Disc付き
プラットフォーム:   PlayStation2
  (37件のカスタマーレビュー) | 「この商品について語る」のトピックが1つ
発売日: 2008/9/25
近日発売 予約受付中

参考価格: ¥ 8,379

価格: ¥ 6,786

OFF: ¥ 1,593 (19%)

It's only an indication I know the 360 isn't outselling the PSP / PS3 / Wii / ... because it's nr 1 in the hardware bestseller list.

The funny thing is that there hasn't been any software released last week and next week only some platinum games.


I have noticed 2 other things : Arcade system for same price as pro ! & ToV bundle already sold out don't know what shipments are going to be but maybe first 10k hardware week. 

22.  Xbox 360 アーケード(HDMI端子搭載) 
プラットフォーム:   Xbox 360
  (86件のカスタマーレビュー) 「この商品について語る」のトピックが1つ

価格: ¥ 33,800

4点の新品/中古商品を見る¥ 24,800より

販売元: @タフコーポレーション

23.  テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア プレミアムパック 
プラットフォーム:   Xbox 360
  (55件のカスタマーレビュー) 「この商品について語る」のトピックが3
発売日: 2008/8/7

1点の新品/中古商品を見る¥ 85,800より



321tttrini4everz said:
it's called worldwide Japanese dominance(in gaming)
microsoft always in last place in gaming lol


Dude, behave a bit. This is a warning.

Again using Amazon for sales prediction is stupid.

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Im not expecting a huge burst but these signs are an encouraging factor. As you mentioned, I wouldnt be surprised if it stayed 3-5k until ToV releases, and then hopefully it can do 15k-20k during ToV week.

shanbcn said:
Again using Amazon for sales prediction is stupid.


Be careful, i never said the 360 is the first console in Japan the next week because that. Thibje and me only says that actually the 360 sells better on amazon than previous weeks. So maybe it will say that the 360 will sell more in Japan than previous week. The last media create numbers says we are a little right, you don't think so?

So maybe more than 3000 units in the next two weeks, because what we see actually is for the week 28 and the last numbers we have are for the week 26.

For me the famous JRPG announced recently in Japan have changed the sells of the 360 in Japan which now are better than the 1,5k we had before. You can't say it's not right, because the sells increase since this famous JRPG conference.

Million said:
thibje said:
So according to m-create I was right!
PSP 58,861
Wii 48,480
DS Lite 48,884
PS3 17,973
PS2 7,673
Xbox 360 5,104


I bet Sony are making more of the PS2 in Japan than microsoft are right now.


So.. I bet MS are making more money of the 360 in Japan than SONY are of the PS3. Wait......Oh yea I forgot they lose money on every console. LOL!!

I finally rolled everything into a Google Spreadsheet/Chart for viewing pleasure. This was the first week that the X360, in 2008 beat the comparible week of 2003, 2006, or 2007. I'll be updating this often.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

lombard2578 said:
shanbcn said:
Again using Amazon for sales prediction is stupid.


Be careful, i never said the 360 is the first console in Japan the next week because that. Thibje and me only says that actually the 360 sells better on amazon than previous weeks. So maybe it will say that the 360 will sell more in Japan than previous week. The last media create numbers says we are a little right, you don't think so?

So maybe more than 3000 units in the next two weeks, because what we see actually is for the week 28 and the last numbers we have are for the week 26.

For me the famous JRPG announced recently in Japan have changed the sells of the 360 in Japan which now are better than the 1,5k we had before. You can't say it's not right, because the sells increase since this famous JRPG conference.


Gundam was released on 360 which was the reason of bost in sales. Don't expect another 5k weekly sales till another big game.