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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the better final fantasy game Final fantasy X or Final fantasy 12

I'm going with X. I hated XII's cast. Half of them didn't feel like main characters at all. It was like I rounded up a bunch of NPCs and set off. I don't know if it's because of their designs or what, but I was seriously confused when a few of them joined the party. I didn't care much for the story either. The battle system was good though and I really liked the hunting quests.

X I really enjoyed. It was one of those games where I got sad at the end because it was over.

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umm... VII. Yes.


Please don't troll, he clearly stated which Final Fantasy is better between X and XII?
He didn't say VII anywhere in his question.

On Topic: I would say Final Fantasy X, just because this game alone got me into the series :)

12 was good, 10 was fantastic.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

i didnt really think either were that good but final fantasy X was atleast playable for me final fantasy XII i think is just a terrible game

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Final Fantasy X. I like the idea behind FFXII, but the execution was terrible.

I liked blitzball in X but I liked XII a lot better overall I thought the battle system was great and getting away from random battles for a change was real cool. So much to do in XII it's unfortunate that not more people liked it.

If perferring the PS3 over the 360 makes me a fanboy.. I guess I am guilty..

List of 360 Games I would like to have: Alan Wake

List of PS3 Games I would like to have: LBP, FFXIII(if it ever comes), R2(maybe)

List of Wii Games I would like to have: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (It's not an exclusive but it would be awesome)

X is better because if you mess up just a little in XII you have to level grind or money grind to get past bosses, especially early in the game. Once you get rolling in XII with magic and gambits I like XII more.

from what i have played from them i say FFX

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Final Fantasy X.

The overall atmosphere of just playing the game was so much better for me. I was able to enjoy everything that the game gave to me to stimulate my senses. It had actual color and life, whereas I feel XII was gray/bronze and dull . And gameplay wise, well, I had always like the old RPG systems and X went with the (very entertaining) norm.

Oh yeah, and NOBUO UEMATSU. Holy shit, can he make godly music. And Hitoshi Sakimoto cannot. Music is a HUGE criteria for my game-liking.

Sony will prevail. My 60 gig says so.

PlayStation 3 Games:

- Rock Band
- Rock Band 2
- Soulcalibur IV
- LittleBigPlanet
- Guitar Hero: World Tour