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Forums - Gaming Discussion - is haze the playstations 3 worst exclusive so far

Well, coop makes Haze a bit ok and its still has to be patched as much as Lair has been. So with coop and patches to come, it might be the better one. Sucks anyway.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


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Lair was worse than aids

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

probably the worst timed exclusive.

Bomberman for 360 was THE Shit.





MakoInfused said:

Bomberman for 360 was THE Shit.






Thank you troll for your comments. When did we ask about the 360's worst exclusive.

OT: I would say LAIR as Haze is a time exclusive and LAIR was hyped a lot more.

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Haze is actually decent.Lair I'd say is decent,but uninspired.The 360 has the worst exclusive by far--Bullet Witch,or whatever it's called.I hope the developers of that game get a cease and desist slip from Sony before porting that trash.The Wii gets some pretty bad exclusives also.

I love hack n slash genre, but Genji sucks bigtime.
Cant believe that Haze would be the worst game for the PS3. Untold legends?

Bagaren85 said:
I love hack n slash genre, but Genji sucks bigtime.
Cant believe that Haze would be the worst game for the PS3. Untold legends?


 How can you hate Genji? It has real-time weapon changes, and historically accurate battles involving gigantic crabs!

lair is worse then it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

IllegalPaladin said:

Haze wasn't absolutely terrible, but it wasn't great. I could actually play through Haze as opposed to merely demo's of even worse games.

Blacksite: Area 51 and Conflict: Denied Ops are two examples of demo's I couldn't play for more than a couple of minutes. A complete waste of hard drive space....


Well said IllegalPaladian.  Blacksite and Conflict were terrible demos compared to Haze IMO