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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the 360 reached it's limit?

Gamer4life said:
Username2324 said:
I would say yes, the 360 is nearing it's limit, and this game helps show it. The 360 has been on the market over 2 years, developers pretty much got it down, and while sure maybe here and there they might be able to make a texture or two look better, there will be no more game releases on the 360 that make you sit back and say "Wow, that looks awesome!".

You can argue it all you want but that's not going to change the fact that it's true.

I mean it's pretty sad if the most graphically advanced game on the 360 is from over a year ago don't you think?


Yea and all it takes for a graphically advanced game for the PS3 is MGS4($40million and years of development including delays). As of now 360 has games with better graphics on most multiplats and have a lot of great exclusives that are great graphically. PS3 only has MGS4 and Uncharted and MGS4 is only good cause they took so long to make it. Look GOW2 is already coming out. I bet if they spent the same amount of money and time as MGS4 developers spent I bet they would have made the equal or better game graphics wise. And I think MS developers are looking at developing games for XBLA and for the X-mote so they are expanding and actually like to make a profit and make the game enjoyable. Also CNET showed how 360 games generally look better in multiplats so basically I would like to have most of my games looking better rather than 1-2 like the PS3.

You like to fall into the MS hype don't you? Multiplatform games have looked better on 360 because they have been lead on the 360 with low budgets, and could not be coverted properly.

But when done correctly, the PS3 version looks better, Burnout Paradise, GTA4, both examples.


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GTAIV was lead on 360, and it was too hard to say which one looked "better". But the 360 version had a sharper resolution i think.

Burnout Paradise is slightly better on the PS3 but both look great which is how all the multi-plats should look.

But there is not one multi-plat game on the PS3 which blows away the 360 version.
The same cannot be said the other way round.

So yeh... 360 is going strong.

ZenfoldorVGI said:


I'm not trying to keep a flame post going, so I'll try not to offend with my responses here.

In my opinion, both Uncharted and Gears are mildly over-rated. Neither game has any above average art-style. I'd say they are incomparable. I also believe that anyone who says Uncharted looks better obviously owns a PS3, take that to mean what you will. I'm not here to argue over opinion. I assert that you are probably simply a Sony fan trying to push the PS3's graphical power by pushing your "PS3 exclusives look better" talking point, but lets not kid ourselves, I can't prove it, but everyone knows it obvious, as are many things obvious on these forums that we might feel aren't quite politically correct, so we might not say them. A flame war, which is going on right now, is ugly and rude and doesn't belong on this forum.


FYI, however, I own a PS3 and a 360, I don't own a Wii, and don't think I brought up anything about Nintendo. The two systems are virtually identical graphic-wise, and anyone who takes one systems side over another probaby has alterior fanboy motives. The proper, unbiased answer to Uncharted vs Gears is "I don't know."

Still, since Gears has been out far longer, has more fans, and more people have seen it, there is no doubt that the vast majority of internet graphics whores have touted Gears far more than Uncharted.

I say we end it right here. I'm not gonna respond again, because I don't wanna get in a fight on these forums and risk moderation when in reality nobody but you and I even care about this argument. It's silly, pointless, and laden with "gotcha moments" used to hide what everyone knows, which is that we are both slightly biased towards which console, for whatever reason, we feel is the best. In your case the PS3, in my case the Wii.


Didn't you have a Wii and traded it for a 360 because it was a straight up trade? Therefore you got a 360 for $250, but at the same time you are in the process of getting another Wii? Anyways, and no offense, but to me when someone says I have Console X and Y but Console X is blah blah blah is the same as when someone says I have friends of Race X so I'm not racist but Race X is blah blah blah.

I disagree when you say that all graphics whore will say Gears look better than Uncharted, all graphics whore I've seen on forums have said the other way around and again I've played both games on a 1080p capable TV and I think that Uncharted looks superior to Gears even though Gears is a better game. I personally think they both deserver they hype and rate Uncharted 92 and GOW 95. I can't speak for other Sony fans but I'd much rather have Gears 2 than Uncharted 2. I also think there are a lot of garbage PS3 exclusives and most 3rd party exclusives look better on the 360 (But at least lately they've been similar). I'll agree with you that neither console really holds that big of a graphical advantage over the other, or at least I haven't seen any great leaps out of any games that are out right now and I've always said that up until now the 360 has the best games library out of all current gen consoles.

Everybody has their little bias, it's human nature and that's ok, what makes it bad is when someone goes to extremes and start becoming blind to reasoning and facts. I'm partial to Sony after being partial to Nintendo until this generation, I just feel the Wii is not for me even though I'll have to buy one for my gf as her birthday gift.


With all that said, let us have peace:


Username2324 said:
I would say yes, the 360 is nearing it's limit, and this game helps show it. The 360 has been on the market over 2 years, developers pretty much got it down, and while sure maybe here and there they might be able to make a texture or two look better, there will be no more game releases on the 360 that make you sit back and say "Wow, that looks awesome!".

You can argue it all you want but that's not going to change the fact that it's true.

I mean it's pretty sad if the most graphically advanced game on the 360 is from over a year ago don't you think?

Username whats going on? 

You never used to make so many unsubstantiated stuff up.  I think we are past the point where any game on ANY current generation console will make anyone go "Wow, that looks awesome."  Sure, they might make a comment like, "Wow I didn't think they'd make something look even better than that last game." 

Exactly what is it about the Xbox 360 that makes you think it has gone against the trend of EVERY SINGLE HOME CONSOLE IN HISTORY and reached it's peak performance in just three years?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

People can say whatever they want but Gears 2 uses much more of the 360's power then Gears 1. You could argue that you think part 1 looks better, but that's just a matter of taste! textures- and polygonswise etc... The bar has been raised! Definitely!


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StarcraftManiac said:

People can say whatever they want but Gears 2 uses much more of the 360's power then Gears 1. You could argue that you think part 1 looks better, but that's just a matter of taste! textures- and polygonswise etc... The bar has been raised! Definitely!




starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
StarcraftManiac said:

People can say whatever they want but Gears 2 uses much more of the 360's power then Gears 1. You could argue that you think part 1 looks better, but that's just a matter of taste! textures- and polygonswise etc... The bar has been raised! Definitely!




Fixed, for those who don't understand authentic english.



ToastyJaguar said:
GTAIV was lead on 360, and it was too hard to say which one looked "better". But the 360 version had a sharper resolution i think.


Yes development was lead on the 360, assets wise and tech wise it's a 360 orientated game. It's surprising the PS3 version looks better (better lighting and less aliasing issues). Assets wise its probably the same but for some reason close up images look much cleaner on the PS3, some at Beyond3D think it's a rendering bug, maybe it was done on purpose.

GTA IV is a big game and considering Rockstar's comment the assets have been sacrificed to fit on DVD, either the quality was downgraded or less divers content made it into the game. If the resolution differences are true the potentially lower quality graphics still resulted into the PS3 having the graphics edge.

However maybe on small SDTVs more pop-ins with the 360 version is probably the most noticeable difference.

GTAIV is a great game, but I hope a GTA V will be designed around Blu-Ray disc and development be lead on the PS3 and afterwards modified to suit the 360's specifications.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

ToastyJaguar said:

But there is not one multi-plat game on the PS3 which blows away the 360 version.
The same cannot be said the other way round.


IMO you shouldn't expect that, due to cost considerations the same game engine is usually used for both PS3 and 360 versions. Most mulit-platform game engines were first styled specifically for the 360 hardware architecture due to the one year headstart. Then many companies tried to shoehorn their game engine into the PS3 architecture as cheaply, fast and easily as possible. (Quick and dirty ports, as some game devs have admitted in public forums)

This all isn't that strange, for example early Atari ST to game Amiga ports were designed around the ST's hardware specifications, sometimes the ST original ran a little better. So it's the exclusives where you should focuss on with regard to technical system potential With regard to 3rd parties, not to be at a competitive disadvantage these exclusives tech advances will push multi-platform devs to take better advantage of the hardware as well.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

So PS3 fanboys still believe what SONY said them back to E3 2005...