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Gamer4life said:
Username2324 said:
I would say yes, the 360 is nearing it's limit, and this game helps show it. The 360 has been on the market over 2 years, developers pretty much got it down, and while sure maybe here and there they might be able to make a texture or two look better, there will be no more game releases on the 360 that make you sit back and say "Wow, that looks awesome!".

You can argue it all you want but that's not going to change the fact that it's true.

I mean it's pretty sad if the most graphically advanced game on the 360 is from over a year ago don't you think?


Yea and all it takes for a graphically advanced game for the PS3 is MGS4($40million and years of development including delays). As of now 360 has games with better graphics on most multiplats and have a lot of great exclusives that are great graphically. PS3 only has MGS4 and Uncharted and MGS4 is only good cause they took so long to make it. Look GOW2 is already coming out. I bet if they spent the same amount of money and time as MGS4 developers spent I bet they would have made the equal or better game graphics wise. And I think MS developers are looking at developing games for XBLA and for the X-mote so they are expanding and actually like to make a profit and make the game enjoyable. Also CNET showed how 360 games generally look better in multiplats so basically I would like to have most of my games looking better rather than 1-2 like the PS3.

You like to fall into the MS hype don't you? Multiplatform games have looked better on 360 because they have been lead on the 360 with low budgets, and could not be coverted properly.

But when done correctly, the PS3 version looks better, Burnout Paradise, GTA4, both examples.