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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My Thoughts on GTA IV

Username2324 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:
Username2324 said:
I would agree that GTA4 has lost alot of the fun and freedom of San Andreas. Still a good game though.

You know if GTA4 had remained a Playstation exclusive it could have tapped into the extra Blu-ray storage and had much more content, but MS likes to ruin everything.

Thats like saying "if Sony had a better online service Rockstar could have expanded and enhanced multiplayer and DLC beyond two exclusive episodes, but Sony likes to ruin everything."


Your anti-Sony rhetoric annoys everyone. seriously if your 360 is so amazing go and play it.

BTW: You should be thanking Sony for bringing the great  Final Fantasy games  and Grand Theft Auto games to the world.

On topic both GTA: Sandreas and GTA IV are two excellent games in their own right. PS3 FTW.


What the heck are you talking about? He said nothing unacceptable here! As a matter of fact, he did, in a perfectly good way, prove the other guy's assessment wrong. I'm guessing you were too bussy defending your console to even read it.




Proved my assessment wrong? How did he do that? The PSN is easily expandable and can handle GTA4 and any features that Rockstar would want. On the other hand the 360 has limited storage, and cannot use a harddrive to improve games. If GTA4 had remained PS Exclusive it could have easily accomodated more content, this is something you cannot deny.


Either you have proof to back up your claim or you're talking out of your ass.  So please post a link with a quote from a Rockstar official that backs up your claim.  If you can't then well...


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Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:
Username2324 said:
I would agree that GTA4 has lost alot of the fun and freedom of San Andreas. Still a good game though.

You know if GTA4 had remained a Playstation exclusive it could have tapped into the extra Blu-ray storage and had much more content, but MS likes to ruin everything.

Thats like saying "if Sony had a better online service Rockstar could have expanded and enhanced multiplayer and DLC beyond two exclusive episodes, but Sony likes to ruin everything."


Your anti-Sony rhetoric annoys everyone. seriously if your 360 is so amazing go and play it.

BTW: You should be thanking Sony for bringing the great  Final Fantasy games  and Grand Theft Auto games to the world.

On topic both GTA: Sandreas and GTA IV are two excellent games in their own right. PS3 FTW.


the best final fantasy games were on super nintendo imo.


Legend11 said:
Username2324 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:
Username2324 said:
I would agree that GTA4 has lost alot of the fun and freedom of San Andreas. Still a good game though.

You know if GTA4 had remained a Playstation exclusive it could have tapped into the extra Blu-ray storage and had much more content, but MS likes to ruin everything.

Thats like saying "if Sony had a better online service Rockstar could have expanded and enhanced multiplayer and DLC beyond two exclusive episodes, but Sony likes to ruin everything."


Your anti-Sony rhetoric annoys everyone. seriously if your 360 is so amazing go and play it.

BTW: You should be thanking Sony for bringing the great  Final Fantasy games  and Grand Theft Auto games to the world.

On topic both GTA: Sandreas and GTA IV are two excellent games in their own right. PS3 FTW.


What the heck are you talking about? He said nothing unacceptable here! As a matter of fact, he did, in a perfectly good way, prove the other guy's assessment wrong. I'm guessing you were too bussy defending your console to even read it.




Proved my assessment wrong? How did he do that? The PSN is easily expandable and can handle GTA4 and any features that Rockstar would want. On the other hand the 360 has limited storage, and cannot use a harddrive to improve games. If GTA4 had remained PS Exclusive it could have easily accomodated more content, this is something you cannot deny.


Either you have proof to back up your claim or you're talking out of your ass.  So please post a link with a quote from a Rockstar official that backs up your claim.  If you can't then well...


Here's my proof:
Standard Dual-Layer DVD can hold 8.54GB
Standard Dual-Layer Blu-ray Disc can hold 50GB

Do you need anymore proof? I never said it would have more content, I said it could accomodate more content, which I have proven here.


Legend11 said:
Username2324 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:
Username2324 said:
I would agree that GTA4 has lost alot of the fun and freedom of San Andreas. Still a good game though.

You know if GTA4 had remained a Playstation exclusive it could have tapped into the extra Blu-ray storage and had much more content, but MS likes to ruin everything.

Thats like saying "if Sony had a better online service Rockstar could have expanded and enhanced multiplayer and DLC beyond two exclusive episodes, but Sony likes to ruin everything."


Your anti-Sony rhetoric annoys everyone. seriously if your 360 is so amazing go and play it.

BTW: You should be thanking Sony for bringing the great  Final Fantasy games  and Grand Theft Auto games to the world.

On topic both GTA: Sandreas and GTA IV are two excellent games in their own right. PS3 FTW.


What the heck are you talking about? He said nothing unacceptable here! As a matter of fact, he did, in a perfectly good way, prove the other guy's assessment wrong. I'm guessing you were too bussy defending your console to even read it.




Proved my assessment wrong? How did he do that? The PSN is easily expandable and can handle GTA4 and any features that Rockstar would want. On the other hand the 360 has limited storage, and cannot use a harddrive to improve games. If GTA4 had remained PS Exclusive it could have easily accomodated more content, this is something you cannot deny.


Either you have proof to back up your claim or you're talking out of your ass.  So please post a link with a quote from a Rockstar official that backs up your claim.  If you can't then well...


Around last summer Dan or Sam Houser said that the lack of an HDD and the use of DVD9 were limiting their view of GTA.

GTA4 was a bad GTA game, it was a good game overall but it was nothing special.  And we need to stop this fanboy shit in this thread, who gives a fuck what MS did or Sony did.  But I'm pretty sure we can all agree R* needs to get better programmers.

GTA4 took out a lot of things from San Andreas that I liked (customizing cars, nitrous,freedom). It seemed like every couple minutes, somebody called me to hang out with them and drive to far off places to do the same old stuff. I must've umped in the taxi dozens of times. The things I did with my "friends" were boring too.

Making choices in the game (kill Jack or Joe) didn't even seem that urgent or important. The actual game froze on me several times and I had to wait 5 minutes to get back into it again. The hip-hop radio station had like 5 songs and got real old, real quick. I didn't even bother listening to the talk stations. The clothing choices were pretty limited as well.

The degree of difficulty WIDELY varied from mission to mission. One minute, you're driving Mrs. Daisy to the grocery store and driving away, then the next minute, I'm inn a 20 minute shootout during World War 3. I spent too much time driving. I could've sworn I hated every character in the game as well, except for Niko a little.

I COULDN'T: Buy a house, buy ("import") cars, access most of the internet websites, stand the TV, get a bank account, drive a car for the first 3 days I played it, fly the helicopter right, trick & customize cars, like ANYBODY in the game, get a Jetpack or packages (shoot pidgeons?!!? WTF), have much fun.

I pretty much had to force myself to play GTA4 and had much more fun playing Gears of War and Baten Kaitos, ad Fifa 08. It was a chore to do missions and I doubt I'll pick it up again. GTA3 was my favorite, with Vice City in a close second because of its story and soundtrack. San Andreas had the gang stuff and OK soundtrack. GTA4 had the best graphics...which doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Perfect 10, get outta town. Drunk off Wack Juice.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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Username2324 said:

Proved my assessment wrong? How did he do that? The PSN is easily expandable and can handle GTA4 and any features that Rockstar would want. On the other hand the 360 has limited storage, and cannot use a harddrive to improve games. If GTA4 had remained PS Exclusive it could have easily accomodated more content, this is something you cannot deny.

Most reports indicate that Rockstar was having severe difficulties with programming on the PS3.  I can just as easily and justifiably claim that the massive expense of developing on the PS3 and the costs of the delay it caused limited the Xbox 360 version of the game.

See, without any form of evidence, ANYONE can say stuff thats pulled out of their ass.

The irony is, my version of events is actually more logical than you'res.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I haven't played GTA 4 yet, but I generally disagree about San Andreas. Driving through the desert for 15 minutes trying to get to an actual city wasn't fun at all, especially when you became stranded.

The game was way too long as well, I just lost interest eventually and never even finished the game.

If GTA 4 can keep me interested all throughout the main story, I would consider it an improvement.

MontanaHatchet said:
Why do the members have to be so difficult? Calm down, or I'm handing out warnings (and maybe more!).


Agreed, this all seems to be getting out of hand. Maybe we should be dealing out short bans for any sort of indiscretion - its all getting very tiring :P

If I see any more snide remarks or off-thread comments - I'll be dealing out 3-4 short bans.

@all: if someone says something wrong, trollish or stupid - you don't NEED to respond. The more people respond, the harder it is for mods to do something about it.

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