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GTA4 took out a lot of things from San Andreas that I liked (customizing cars, nitrous,freedom). It seemed like every couple minutes, somebody called me to hang out with them and drive to far off places to do the same old stuff. I must've umped in the taxi dozens of times. The things I did with my "friends" were boring too.

Making choices in the game (kill Jack or Joe) didn't even seem that urgent or important. The actual game froze on me several times and I had to wait 5 minutes to get back into it again. The hip-hop radio station had like 5 songs and got real old, real quick. I didn't even bother listening to the talk stations. The clothing choices were pretty limited as well.

The degree of difficulty WIDELY varied from mission to mission. One minute, you're driving Mrs. Daisy to the grocery store and driving away, then the next minute, I'm inn a 20 minute shootout during World War 3. I spent too much time driving. I could've sworn I hated every character in the game as well, except for Niko a little.

I COULDN'T: Buy a house, buy ("import") cars, access most of the internet websites, stand the TV, get a bank account, drive a car for the first 3 days I played it, fly the helicopter right, trick & customize cars, like ANYBODY in the game, get a Jetpack or packages (shoot pidgeons?!!? WTF), have much fun.

I pretty much had to force myself to play GTA4 and had much more fun playing Gears of War and Baten Kaitos, ad Fifa 08. It was a chore to do missions and I doubt I'll pick it up again. GTA3 was my favorite, with Vice City in a close second because of its story and soundtrack. San Andreas had the gang stuff and OK soundtrack. GTA4 had the best graphics...which doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Perfect 10, get outta town. Drunk off Wack Juice.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."