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Forums - Sony Discussion - So its FINALLY time for me to buy a Playstation........

My PS3 is primiarily a PS2 playing machine right now because I've played all the must play games out for the system now. Haven't played MGS4 much yet because I'm playing through the first 3. I only got through 1 and part of 2 originally.

I didn't own a PS2 last gen or many games at all really.

Here are the games that held up well in recent play IMO:

MGS collection
: The first's graphics haven't aged well, it was PS1 after all, the controls are clunky, and way too many codec conversations but it was probably my 2nd favorite game from the PS1 gen so it's still worth playing. Haven't made it to 2 or 3 yet I've really appreciated the music this time though, I don't remember it being this good the first time I played.

Odin Sphere: probably some of the best use of 2D sprites I've seen. A gorgeous game and sort of a 2D action RPG. I'm enjoying this immensely.

Persona 3 FES: My good friend who loves RPG's kept trying to get me to play this game for the longest time. I missed out on the original release and picked it up with the new one and know why he recommended it. Great game.

DMC1: Still an awesome hack & slash. This genre seems to me to age the worst but this one still holds up. A shame they couldnt' capture the magic from the first.  I haven't enjoyed any of the later games as much including 4. 3 & 4 are still ok though.

Kingdom Hearts: Never played this originally and really like it so far. Only about 5 hours in but enjoying it as I play through it slowly.

Shadow of the Colossus: One of the most epic games on PS2. I think this game would be unreal rereleased on a current gen system like the PS3. It is really a game too big for the PS2 but a must play IMO.

Games I've played that haven't aged well:

God of War: I don't know, my friend talked me into getting this first before any other PS2 games (he's a huge GoW fan), but I really didn't enjoy it at all. In these hack&slash games combat is the most important aspect for me and I didn't find it deep or involving at all. Just seemed rather shallow compared to DMC or NG. The story on the other hand is very well done and if you prefer a well developed story and more puzzle elements than the aforementioned games you'll probably enjoy it. Not saying it's a bad game just not for me.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
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lucky bum i stil have some time to go before i get the system, on 340 buck to go hopefully