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RC >>>>>>>>>> Pepsi > Coke

To Each Man, Responsibility
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No I was laughing because they called Bawls nerd fuel.

Thats probably why I never drank that shit.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Coke is the best by far. Pepsi tastes gross.

For moi it's Pepsi, coke taste too lemony.
It's an adquired taste, I used to like coke before.

But the best is Virgin Cola.

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"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Pepsi is better.

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coke vs. pepsi? No contest. Definitely coke all the way.

MontanaHatchet said:

Besides that, Pepsi steals every idea they can from Coke and makes no attempts to hide their blatant rip-offs. And when they make something original (which is rare), the result is something whose equivalent you may only find in hell. Remember Pepsi Spice? My god, they should fire the person who thought of that abomination.

lol so true


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

coke ftw, but besides those two, i like more ginger ale or orange crush

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This is a hard choice but I guess I have to go for Coke.

MontanaHatchet said:
Both are crappy when in normal form. Diet Pepsi tastes like cat urine, and Diet Coke is pretty much the best soda there is (the only negative of mass consumption is high sodium intake).

Besides that, Pepsi steals every idea they can from Coke and makes no attempts to hide their blatant rip-offs. And when they make something original (which is rare), the result is something whose equivalent you may only find in hell. Remember Pepsi Spice? My god, they should fire the person who thought of that abomination.

That's their brilliance though.  They let Coke come out with something... find out what people don't like about it then aprove on it.

Vanilla Coke comes out... most people think it's too strong... out comes Vanilla Pepsi.  It's "not so Vanilla".

I like Coke better.