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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Woohoo! I went HD-DVD!

twesterm said:
Kasz216 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
HD DVD is dead, Blu-Ray won!

Which means you can get an upscaling DVD player for like... 40 bucks. Well worth it if you have no plans to move on to Blu-ray. (like a lot of people seem to.)


It only upscales if you have a 360 with an HDMI port.

I would say good buy except:

  1. Your 360 already plays DVD's (even though you're not using that functionality) so I really wouldn't hall it a $40 DVD player.
  2. It's a shitty DVD player since it makes your 360 take longer to boot up
  3. You won't be able to buy new movies
  4. What movies you can buy may be cheap but the selection is crap and it's never going to get better.

Damn! A ninja edit!

1. Again, after seeing dead Xbox and PS2 drives, I don't want my 360 drive to die from the same double duty. (same reason I don't use the PS3 to play Blu-Ray movies)

2. Doesn't seem to affect the bootup time of the 360 at all.

3. I can buy all the DVDs I want.  As for the HD-DVDs, I don't care.  Although it is nice to pick up some cheap HD movies.

4. For what is to me a $40 DVD player (a $40 dvd player that came with a 360 remote and a movie, might I add).  The existing HD-DVD movies on the cheap are just an added bonus.

I give that post a 9.6.


Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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That's sort of a waste of 40 bucks.

Nintendo still doomed?
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supermario128 said:
That's sort of a waste of 40 bucks.


Why?  King Kong in HD (currently about a $10 value), a 360 remote (about a $15 to $20 value), and an upscaling DVD player.

I give that post a 9.4.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I give your choice a 9.3

Apparently no one here has ever burned out a console optical drive by watching too many movies on it.

I have. It sucks seeing a $200+ console eat shit because you like movies and don't have enough outputs for umpteen consoles and a DVD player in your entertainment center.

For $40, getting what is basically a throw-away player with a remote and movie is a pretty good deal.

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Why do you always rate posts a 9.something profcrab?

I've yet to see you give some eights or below...


thats a nice deal,but i wont be supported pretty soon

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Profcrab said:

$40 at Best Buy, I picked one up.

I use my 360 for watching TV through Media Center and I didn't like my old DVD player.  I don't like to use my console drives to watch DVDs.  I prefer to wear them out playing games.  The HD-Drive has become my new DVD player.

At $40 it is a pretty decent buy.  It comes with King Kong and a remote.  That and HDDVDs are going on sale all over the place to clear them out.  A pretty decent value.

Just thought I mention it in case anyone else out there might use their 360 to play DVDs and don't want to wear out the main drive.

Well you got a good deal... congrats and long live to your 360...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Hmm, it might have made it clearer to some people if I mentioned it was the HD-DVD addon for the 360 I picked up for $40, not a standalone.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I watch DVDs on my 360 through HDMI, upscaled to 720p. Works fine for me, no way I'm spending money on Blu-Ray even though I'm pretty geeky.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957