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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Countdown to E3

Two Weeks til this place becomes a raging fanboy fire (along with the rest of teh internets)!

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Nintendo better announce a 2d metroid or I'm going to be so sad. The only thing else that would make me happy is zelda news.

This thread doesn't help to calm my excitement for E3.

I'll be in China at that time, but I'll be sure to check some news if I can :)

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I'm looking foward to Sony's strategy and some FFXIII details.

Around the Network

T-minus 13 days and counting...

I think Nintendo and the Wii will own the E3.

Common PSP ... show us that you can still give a solid punch :D Im crossing my fingers for the little handheld already :D

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

hunter_alien said:
Common PSP ... show us that you can still give a solid punch :D Im crossing my fingers for the little handheld already :D

Ok....people really need to learn how to type this word.  You either write Come on...or C'mon.  Common is something entirely different.



Well if someone wants to...they can start singing some wacky "12 days of E3" song...since that is how many days there are til E3.

And on the 12th day of E3 my true love gave to me....A Hard Drive for my white Wii.