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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Countdown to E3

^ *Asploads too*

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... yay!

yey just hours away

......I have to remember to wake up before one tomorrow...

Former something....

Does any websites send e3 live


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Man that was fast oh wait still some hours too go. Man it was like the last e3 was yesterday :O time flies by so fast ….

edit:  yes gamespot dose and ign

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I won't sleep through this years E3!!!!!

I can't wait. How long will the individual press conferences be roughly? What have they been in the past

I think sony has the longest every year which is about 2h and Nintendo has the shortest, about an hour and I don’t know about ms maybe something in between :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

C'mon Ninty, bring the good titles!!!

Master Mii Artisan