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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 What a Game...

DMeisterJ said:
Wow. Could you be more wrong?

The camera is furiously infuriating. And if you haven't died from it, consider yourself lucky. I'm always at the mercy of that son-of-a-bitch.

It's a good game, but me (and every reviewer) would still put the God of War series and DMC series above it.

I find that Ninja Gaiden 2 is a poor man's God of War, only with a worse camera angle, and crappy story, and god-awful graphics. I mean seriously Ryu has no texture on his suit. That annoys the hell out of men.

Anyhoo, yeah, NG2 is a good game, but not better than DMC or GoW

God of War >>>>> Devil May Cry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2.


I have to completely disagree with you. Ninja Gaiden 1 is quite a fantastic game. It's actually better than any game in the other series besides perhaps DMC 1, which I would give points for being innovative for the time.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is, imho, far better than DMC 2 and 4, however, it is slightly worse than DMC 3 and 1.

Certainly there is no doubt that NG1 destroys all of those games, and NG2 does move the series forward in many ways, creating a better fighting system than the first game.

The stories are all throw-away in these games(except GoW which actually depends on the story to make up for shoddy gameplay), and the NG fighting system, while not as flashy as DMC4, is much deeper and more intricate, and therefore funner for the hardcore player to master.


Basically, it comes down to this. If your good at DMC4, big whoop. You can blow through that game even on the surprisingly easy DMD mode, in a few hours, and it really takes very little skill or even effort once you figure the game out.

Beating NG2 on even the easiest difficutly level is quite a feat, and that's a huge step in the right direction for fans of this genre of game.

Visitors to the genre would certainly probably prefer the much more user-friendly DMC4 or GoW2, however. If you're old school, though, and actually want to play these games for years to come, there is no doubt whatsoever that Ninja Gaiden 2 is the superior game for you, and you would be remiss to even play those other games because their casual user-friendly nature will leave you feeling empty or disgust you entirely.

However, DMJ, even on a casual, userfriend level, I still think NG2 is a little better than DMC4 and much better than God of Puzzle 2, which from time to time, literally bored me to tears. I'm a grown man. I don't cry easily. At the point when I was moving corpses on conveyer belts so I could kick a freakin stone platform in water simply to jump across it, I could have puked. GoW isn't even the same genre of game as far as I'm concerned. It's like comparing Metroid Prime to Halo. It's a puzzle game with a great story, and some clunky fighting and minigames in it. All you have to do is see Kratos double jump to realize that, lol.

Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion, but you should know that the hardcore underground fans of the genre certainly reflect my sentiments in this post.


They don't none too much like God of War, either, lol. I personally think that it's the most over-rated series in the history of gaming.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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DMeisterJ said:
NJ5 said:
Doesn't God Of War have a fixed camera? That's pretty crappy IMO, but if you prefer it, go ahead.

Also, God Of War is supposed to be much easier and slower than Ninja Gaiden, and focuses more on puzzles and stuff like that. They're both Hack'n'slash games, but quite different from each other.


Yeah, it has a fixed camera, but the camera is always in on the action, it's never too far away, and you're always able to see what you're doing and where you're going.

I'd much rather that then have a moving camera that does not show you where you're getting hit from, enemies behind you doing massive damage, etc.


Also, did you ever play the first Ninja Gaiden, because I can see how daunting and unappealing the series could seem if you started part 2 with no knowledge of the first game and the treasures and rewards the game has to offer at higher level play?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


eNamrah said:
smbu2000 said:
NG2 definitely kicks ass! I've been having a blast with it. It can be hard though. I've just started level 5 (warrior mode) and I've died like 20-30 times, haha. The tests of valor are pretty tough as well. I haven't had time to play the past few days as I was away from home/playing my new ds lite, hehe, so I haven't advanced yet.

The camera isn't too bad once you get used to it. I do occasionally use the centering camera, but adjusting the camera with the right stick is essential. I didn't have as much trouble with the camera with DMC4, but NG2 is a much better game than DMC4,IMO.

The only Test of Valor I had trouble with was 5 (on chapter 7). Having to fight 10+ (although not all at once) of those mecha soldiers while ninja's are shooting rockets at you = not fun. It's definitely the hardest one. Flying swallow FTW!

People that complain about the camera either: 1. haven't taken the time to master the camera's controls or 2. are too lazy to realize that you can change the camera height, etc. on the settings menu.

Well I haven't gotten that far yet. I've only done the first two ToV's, but I think the toughest ToV that I faced was the first one, simply because I had no idea what a ToV was and I was surprised at enemies just constantly coming at me. The second one I got through once I started using my jump + attack with the dragon sword.

I didn't notice there were camera adjustment options in the menu, either. I've been doing alright with the standard camera though. ;-p


I never played the original Xbox NG/NG Black (as I never had an Xbox 1), so this is my first chance getting a crack at the new NG games (I played the old NES NG games). I was looking to pick up a used copy of Black, but I couldn't find it for a reasonable price and by the time I decided to just get the Xbox Original download of Black, NG2 was going to come out. Maybe once I finish 2 I'll dl the XBO Black :)

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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selnor said:

I finished God Of War 2 on Sunday and it got me in the mood for Hack n Slash. So I bought NG2 yesterday. I cant believe how good this game is. It makes other games in the genre like DMC, HS and GOW seem kiddy and slow. The thing with NG2 that makes it so enjoyable is the pace, together with the feeling when your blade(or various other weapons) hits a character that it is going to damage. The finishing moves are brilliant to watch and it's rather tastefully done. It's such a big jump from playing GOW2 or DMC4 that I have lowered my feelings and rating towards those games.

I find it hard to believe that this game got so much stick for the camera. Yes it has some issues but sometimes you fight in such close quarters that I'm impressed with what they have achieved with the camera. Never once have I died as a result of the camera. I havent had this much fun with a videogame since the first Halo. So much so it's in my top 2 360 games. It makes you realise at a time when companies strive for movie like games, that you dont need a story to drive a good game.(some games do but this proves not all).

That said the cutscenes are great to watch and the entire game has a beatiful polish. God I hope the guy that made this(forgot his name, cant be bothered to look) joins M$ and makes a new IP in this genre. Because with M$ he would have unlimited funding.

If you havent played this go try it. I guarentee you will have a smile on your face.


Anyone else played it? What did you think.

To respond to the OP.

My top 5 most under-rated games this gen are:


1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

2. The Darkness

3. Gun, Xbox 360 version

4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series of games

5. Ninja Gaiden 2

Honerable Mention: Folklore, Eternal Sonata


As you can see, even very under-rated games like Lost Odyssey(which lost points in most reviews due to the review builds load times) didn't even make honerable mention, but Ninja Gaiden 2 made the actual list. Coming from me, that's really saying something.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
DMeisterJ said:
Wow. Could you be more wrong?

The camera is furiously infuriating. And if you haven't died from it, consider yourself lucky. I'm always at the mercy of that son-of-a-bitch.

It's a good game, but me (and every reviewer) would still put the God of War series and DMC series above it.

I find that Ninja Gaiden 2 is a poor man's God of War, only with a worse camera angle, and crappy story, and god-awful graphics. I mean seriously Ryu has no texture on his suit. That annoys the hell out of men.

Anyhoo, yeah, NG2 is a good game, but not better than DMC or GoW

God of War >>>>> Devil May Cry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2.


I have to completely disagree with you. Ninja Gaiden 1 is quite a fantastic game. It's actually better than any game in the other series besides perhaps DMC 1, which I would give points for being innovative for the time.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is, imho, far better than DMC 2 and 4, however, it is slightly worse than DMC 3 and 1.

Certainly there is no doubt that NG1 destroys all of those games, and NG2 does move the series forward in many ways, creating a better fighting system than the first game.

The stories are all throw-away in these games(except GoW which actually depends on the story to make up for shoddy gameplay), and the NG fighting system, while not as flashy as DMC4, is much deeper and more intricate, and therefore funner for the hardcore player to master.


Basically, it comes down to this. If your good at DMC4, big whoop. You can blow through that game even on the surprisingly easy DMD mode, in a few hours, and it really takes very little skill or even effort once you figure the game out.

Beating NG2 on even the easiest difficutly level is quite a feat, and that's a huge step in the right direction for fans of this genre of game.

Visitors to the genre would certainly probably prefer the much more user-friendly DMC4 or GoW2, however. If you're old school, though, and actually want to play these games for years to come, there is no doubt whatsoever that Ninja Gaiden 2 is the superior game for you, and you would be remiss to even play those other games because their casual user-friendly nature will leave you feeling empty or disgust you entirely.

However, DMJ, even on a casual, userfriend level, I still think NG2 is a little better than DMC4 and much better than God of Puzzle 2, which from time to time, literally bored me to tears. I'm a grown man. I don't cry easily. At the point when I was moving corpses on conveyer belts so I could kick a freakin stone platform in water simply to jump across it, I could have puked. GoW isn't even the same genre of game as far as I'm concerned. It's like comparing Metroid Prime to Halo. It's a puzzle game with a great story, and some clunky fighting and minigames in it. All you have to do is see Kratos double jump to realize that, lol.

Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion, but you should know that the hardcore underground fans of the genre certainly reflect my sentiments in this post.


They don't none too much like God of War, either, lol. I personally think that it's the most over-rated series in the history of gaming.

I echo this statement completely. The DMC games I enjoyed even though the combat felt a little more shallow to me compared to NG1&2.  They seem more about offense and style then anything else but the combat is still fun and never got stale.  GOW on the other hand had combat that felt like a button mash-a-thon and annoying puzzles to boot.  The story however is quite strong and the boss battles were awesome.  If you prefer a strong story with shallower gameplay then I think you would enjoy the series over others such as NG and to a lesser extent DMC.

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I agree with the OP. I love this game. I don't want to bore anyone with's already been said by everyone else. It's just a terrific title and definitely the best thing I've ever bought for my 360.

I had trouble with the camera until about half way through the first level. After that I felt like I got used to it and it hasn't been an issue since. I do use the right trigger option, but it's not often that I feel the need to. Only in really tight spots.

As far as frustration, yes, it's a hard game. But I like the combat in this game so much that I usually don't mind getting sent back to my last save. The fights are so bad ass that I love doing them again, and it gives me more practice on mastering my techniques with each weapon.

So anyway, yes. I agree, this is an amazing game.

OK, after playing this game for a little while longer I have to comment a bit more on this game vs its predecessor.

1- The biggest noticeable improvement is in the music, and I don't remember seeing any reviewers mentioning this. While the previous game had ambient music, this game has a much more interesting soundtrack, which makes you feel more involved in the action. It totally pumps you up. Someone created a thread about this, and now I see why. It's a pity that game music isn't as valued as it used to be, fortunately there are still some games which deliver in this area.

2- The number of enemies in each fight has also increased greatly... This alone should make the CPU/GPU sweat much more (especially with the improved AI), which makes any technical comparisons with Ninja Gaiden Sigma pretty much worthless.

3- The fighting system has also been perfected (from what felt like an almost perfect system in the previous game).

All in all, this is a definite improvement for the series... It's not revolutionary, but I don't expect a revolution when I buy a sequel to a good title (especially on series which are already far above others in the genre). For me, it delivers so far :)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5, what chapter are you on?

Because regarding your second point, in chapter 10 there's a moment where I honestly thought my 360 was going to RRoD. The game really struggles when going up a set of long stairs while fighting what seems to be 250 ninjas. Although it might be a good thing (and maybe even intentional? doubtful.) because the slowdown gives you a bit of an advantage. I don't think it'd be possible to get through that fight with the frame rate not dropping.

And, yes, the soundtrack is better than in the previous games. Most reviews I saw didn't highly rate the game's sound, but that was probably due to the pathetic English voice-overs. Word to the wise: play the game with the Japanese audio w/subtitles. A far better experience.

I loved the Demo, im buiying this game after i beat MGS4 im in Act 4 so i'll probably be getting NG2 over the weekend

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.