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OK, after playing this game for a little while longer I have to comment a bit more on this game vs its predecessor.

1- The biggest noticeable improvement is in the music, and I don't remember seeing any reviewers mentioning this. While the previous game had ambient music, this game has a much more interesting soundtrack, which makes you feel more involved in the action. It totally pumps you up. Someone created a thread about this, and now I see why. It's a pity that game music isn't as valued as it used to be, fortunately there are still some games which deliver in this area.

2- The number of enemies in each fight has also increased greatly... This alone should make the CPU/GPU sweat much more (especially with the improved AI), which makes any technical comparisons with Ninja Gaiden Sigma pretty much worthless.

3- The fighting system has also been perfected (from what felt like an almost perfect system in the previous game).

All in all, this is a definite improvement for the series... It's not revolutionary, but I don't expect a revolution when I buy a sequel to a good title (especially on series which are already far above others in the genre). For me, it delivers so far :)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957