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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Top 5 Xbox 360 Games PS3 Fanboys Wish They Had

Halo 3 - Yes

Gears 1/2 - Sort of


Dead Rising - Not really, it was okay

Fable 2 - Never really played the first one

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JaggedSac said:
Perhaps you should change the title to Top 5 games on a Microsoft Platform, that would solve ALL of the issues.


Windows is a Microsoft platform.

erm interseting read lol.
But come on HALO i thought you might have come up with a game better then that, why would that game make Sony fanz embvious.
i mean come on everyone who really like halo would have got an x360 for it, i would not buy that game even for £2. If i could sell it for more then that then yh.

ToastyJaguar said:
Sure 2 of them are on the PC, but can you play them on the ps3? That is the whole point of the article.

Besides, games for windows and games for 360 are the same thing/platform.


 no they're not. you can't play a 360 game on pc, and you can't play a pc game on the 360. they are not they same thing, they are just run by the same company.

ToastyJaguar said:
Sure 2 of them are on the PC, but can you play them on the ps3? That is the whole point of the article.

Besides, games for windows and games for 360 are the same thing/platform.


to use GTA4 as an example again, they aren't always the same thing/platform.

GTA4 (as far as i know) has no definate release date on pc, just rumours of around October.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Yes, you are correct. However, as somebody with a PS3, it's rather nice to know that these top 360 games will also be available for my PC so I can play them if I want.

do you know what is the most strange thing?i cannot think of 5 Wii games that 360/ps3 owners would be jealous of!As it concerns my personal opinion not even one!And Wii has kicked their butt!!What do you think about it?I can imagine a list that Wii fans could make and i can only laugh with it!Just think of it...The first word of each game would be Mario and then add whatever you want!!hahaha!

Yeah no one loves Halo.

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having both a playstation 3 and xbox 360, sony fanboys, there is nothing to miss out about halo 3. trust me halo 3 is at best a 8.5/10. but gears of war, is really good, but you  can just get it for pc. =D.





how does he know what other people want?