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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu reports : Nearly 500,000 for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan.

Bitmap Frogs said:
Only in a mikeB post, RAM isn't a hard limit. I wonder why you are spreading BS on console forums instead of selling your magical code that allows to bypass the amount of RAM on board.

Anyways, shouldn't you be updating your "Fanboy analysis of next-gen HD consoles" at neogaf? Oh wait, you got laughed out of that thread.

I was hinting at examples like these:


"Yes. There were many major tech improvements between the two games. In addition to the ones I mentioned earlier, Ratchet & Clank on the PS3 uses texture streaming which allows us to get about 150 MB of extra VRAM in each level. This allows for much higher resolution textures than we used in Resistance, as well as more texture variety."

If you lack the understanding of what is being said, please don't resort to cheapshots. It never helps discussion.

Have you ever heard of virtual memory?

When applying streaming, you don't need to keep everything in memory in one go, audio and graphics data are very suitabe for streaming. Audio and graphics related data take up the most memory, executable code is usually tiny in comparison. Streaming will be further optimised, making memory requirements much more a moving target.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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Fei-Hung said:

yes i really do. I dont base this on opnion but on various interviews with 360 spokesmen. Early on the 360 rlease, 360 was asked why they didnt include a next gen disc drive. 360's answer was as they were ensure what would succeed; the blue ray format or teh hd format. 360 was hoping the hd format to succeed obviously or they would have to purchase a blue ray rights ob sony, meaning 360 game which sell,s sony will profit on it too :S

Remember, as graphichs get better, a.i. gets better, sounds getsbetter and content increases, more disc space is needed.

Before the current gen consoles were released, varius games on the ps2 and xbox required 2-3-4 dvds. How is it possible that this gen can make better games with higher qulaity graphics etc without using a greater disc format.

This is why PS3 although late in release has had a big gamble of the inclusion of blue ray now paid off. If you search online you wil find various articles where you will find 360 spokes people admitting to now fainally having to start to implement plans of a blue ray drive.

If they don't, the games on 360 will never be able to step up in content. It's a shame but thats what the 360 deserves for cutting corners (in my opinion). this also makes you think, although less expensive, is it worth it to ahve a console which u need to constantly pay extratowards for upgrades? :S




It's really outlandish to think the 360 could start using Blu-Ray for games, I don't even know what would make someone seriously consider that. Do you think Microsoft will mail each 360 owner a free Blu-Ray drive? Either that or they'll suddenly start ignoring the existing 360 userbase, which is equally stupid and would amount to the launch of a new console.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

well stop thinking then. it's commensense my friend. If DVD was the only format in the world that would support video games and microsoft owned it. Would it be rediculous if Sony started to use DVD drives made by miscrosoft? No, it wouldn't.

well this is exactly what has happened. Th next gen format that has won the battle is Blue-ray. I hope for all the 360 owners that they do get a free blue ray drive considering quiet a few of them have purchased HD Drives which are no good anymore, but I think it's safe to assume they won't and probably release a cheap blue-ray player in the near future. Until then they will try cling on to DVD format for as long as they can.

If your remember a decade or so ago, there was this great gaming console called teh Dreamcast. It didnt support DVD and when the PS2 was released, although they offered free DVD players and cheap add -ons, the console fell and took the compnay down with it. I wouldnt go as far as saying microsoft is doomed and the 360 is too, however, i can safely assume from history that when the time comes, a lot of 360 owners will be very very disapointed with microsoft and fed up of having to upgrade.

or let me ask you this instead NJ5, if they dont use blue ray, what exactly will they use? they cant use HD since it has been discontinued, they cant use DVD cuz they dont allow enough storage. What choice are they left with? It is rediculous to think that 360 would use blue ray, but having been left no choice, it is very very likely.

This is the reason why 360 owners will seriosuly be pissed at microsoft for conituesly having to upgare their hardware to match the times. My friend bought the HD DVD ad on for the 360 a month before it got discontinued, now he owns a ps3 and a wii because he cant be asked forking out anymore money on upgarding his 360.

@Fei-Hung: DVD will continue to be the standard for both the 360 and the Wii. They may get, at most, an add-on to watch Blu-Ray movies similar to the 360 HD-DVD add-on (although I heavily doubt that would happen in the Wii case).

Just wait a few years and you'll see, that's all I can tell you.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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well unfortuantly thats where u are wrong. Blue-ray is the format which is taking over DVD just as DVD took over VHS and VCD. as i said earlier, why don't you search online on 360 and Blueray.

Take a game like final fantasy on ps2 for example, the games comes in like 4 discs or summat. Now if you make a game like this for a new gen concolse. With heavier graphics,coding etc which all take up more disc space, how many dvd's will it take to put into disc? Will 360 fans have to buy a 10dvd box set whilst the PS3 will have one nice blue ray disc?

Do you think miscrosoft will want to look stupid? They will just have swoolow their pride and sell add on blue rays.

p.s. please do not post another comment until u have logically and rationaly thought and about it. Rememebr this news is old now (next gen format war was all over the news papers and media when HD went bust and Blue ray came out victorious). so red these artciles first, see what the microsoft people have to say on blue ray and the 360 then come back make a comment. take facts rather then assumptions into mind when u type teh next post. thanks

I honestly dont know how this thread went from " MGS4 sells well in Japan" to " Blu-ray vs DVD".


Fei-Hung said:

well unfortuantly thats where u are wrong. Blue-ray is the format which is taking over DVD just as DVD took over VHS and VCD. as i said earlier, why don't you search online on 360 and Blueray.

Take a game like final fantasy on ps2 for example, the games comes in like 4 discs or summat. Now if you make a game like this for a new gen concolse. With heavier graphics,coding etc which all take up more disc space, how many dvd's will it take to put into disc? Will 360 fans have to buy a 10dvd box set whilst the PS3 will have one nice blue ray disc?

Do you think miscrosoft will want to look stupid? They will just have swoolow their pride and sell add on blue rays.

p.s. please do not post another comment until u have logically and rationaly thought and about it. Rememebr this news is old now (next gen format war was all over the news papers and media when HD went bust and Blue ray came out victorious). so red these artciles first, see what the microsoft people have to say on blue ray and the 360 then come back make a comment. take facts rather then assumptions into mind when u type teh next post. thanks

No their games will continue to have limitations, but they arent going to change their optical media. They can't, its way too late. When you look at MGS4 you know why every generation there needs to be a disc media upgrade. A game like that isn't possible without multiple disc on the 360.

What the 360 will do is keep on paying developers to minimize how large their games are to make it seem like DVD isn't holding gaming back. Its the cold hard truth. You can always make a game on a DVD, but you can't make the best game possible which is why this generation has been a small upgrade from the last. It also might explain why the 360 doesnt possess the WOW factor necessary to sell well WW. If every game made was as massive and detailed as MGS4, the situation would be alot different. COD4 was pretty good, but how many maps did the multiplayer come with? How long was the single player? GTA usually gets a bigger city every sequel, but the city this time around wasnt.  Halo 3 had bland environments and textures running sub HD. DVD is holding the generation back.




Dude, I undersatnd what all you guys are saying, but I'm going on the news published around the globe not whether in my opinion they will or won't.


I agree, Microsoft will try holding back as much as they can, but sooner or later,they will have to give in. Either that or they may come out with a new console lol Wouldn't be surprised considering consider they lack anything which is next-gen. Graphics alone don't make a next gen console.

This thread is fucked. Would be better if Starcraft didn't try to start a fight over any opinion that clashed with his.

Great sales, but whatever, this is a wasteland now.