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Forums - Sales Discussion - ZOMG!!! PS3 PASSES 360 IN EUROPE ZOMG!!!!1111ONE!

So PS3 has lifetime sales of 5,450,869 units, and the 360 has 5,415,053 lifetime units. So the PS3 is now 35,816 units ahead.

The PS3 has been on the market roughly 15 and a half months, where as the 360 has been on the market roughly 31 months. So the PS3 has sold more than twice as quickly as the 360 in Europe.  

So European domination is complete  



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intresting, MGS4 has pushed the PS3 into the lead.

Didn't notice because I was disappointed with MGS4 numbers...
Good for ps3.

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SNAAAAAKE brought domination

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

took long enough.

anyway, hopefully the uk is next.

Around the Network

I thought sony said they passed them months ago?



that's good for Sony in Europe.

Wonder if they can do it in the US though.

Good news for the PS3! Sony's numbers were shipped leo, this is sold to customer now

Not surprising, Europe is Playstation land (Not counting Nintendo, of course).

Edit: NVM