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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Sales UP!! - MGS4 Debut week - PS3 -- ok

So wait, MGS4 sold better in Japan than it did in Europe? I guess it will be VERY front loaded in Japan and not-so-front loaded in Europe.

Or at least I hope...

Though the Japanese numbers were not "official" yet.

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trestres said:
Wow, this is so hilariuos, rofl. People predicting 2 million+ WW first week for MGS4 and a total domination in HW front. Also mocking users who made more realistic predictions. WW sales will be close to 1.3 million but for the WEEK not first day.

Not the results a lot of fanboys were expecting at the news section on the 1st day sales.

Wii and DS: Incredible, Unbelievable, Fantastic, Amazing, Awe inspiring.


 Well you guys thought it was nearly impossible for it to sell 1M on its FIRST WEEK.

first day sales were 1.3 million first week should be around 2 million.


leo-j said:
carlos710 said:
wow, an average Wii week was enough for #1 place in consoles this week in Ninteuroland!

great numbers for Nintendo


You never cease to amaze me..


the wii is significantly cheaper than the PS3, no matter what the game it will sell more.

Not to mention the 80gb bundle did not release in europe.

 ??? i didn't say nothing about the ps3, it was a GREAT week for Nintendo, regardless if you hate them or not.


If you want to read something about MGS 4 / Ps3 look at everybody's else posts - even crazzyman thinks these are poor numbers for Konami/Sony. 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

trestres, you are such a fanboy its laughable!

OT: Not the best numbers for MGS4, but still a solid debut

trestres said:
Wow, this is so hilariuos, rofl. People predicting 2 million+ WW first week for MGS4 and a total domination in HW front. Also mocking users who made more realistic predictions. WW sales will be close to 1.3 million but for the WEEK not first day.

Not the results a lot of fanboys were expecting at the news section on the 1st day sales.

Wii and DS: Incredible, Unbelievable, Fantastic, Amazing, Awe inspiring.


1.3 million a day figure was provided by Vgcharts so blame them and not PS3 fans.

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Seriously is no-one reading my statement about SPAIN

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

PS3 hardware as expected.
As I pointed out in earlier weeks, the bundle will only spike sales in NA and Japan.

MGS4 bundle in Others isn't really a much better deal than the GTA4 bundle that has been available there...

Besides if you look at Others sales they have been unusally high since the GT5P bundle has been released...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

darthdevidem01 said:

as I said NO 80GB bundles in EU


PS3's 2nd largest market in EU


Spain is about 10% of other, so it's not too hard to extrapolate. You can't just add 10% to hardware sales though, because existing shelf stock still sells. So realistically, I'd probably use a 6-8% multiplier to estimate hardware sales.

Also, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people crossed the borders and bought it.


Cremator said:
Not looking very good for PS3 and MGS4. While Halo 3 had more than double that during the release of the biggest sports games for EU(FIFA 08) and 360 had about a 100% in HW sales MGS4 and PS3 pale in comparison even with the same install base.

I know, only double the 360, a truly shocking performance there

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

Neos said:
CrazzyMan said:
30k? This must be joke.
Hmm.. 430k? Will wait what Konami will say about sales. =]

So much faith in this site

Tell me, why are you on this site again?



Well, considering they were wrong on first day sales...

As in go buy us some coffee.