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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Sales UP!! - MGS4 Debut week - PS3 -- ok

The way I see it these numbers are Rock Solid, especially when you keep in mind some Countries did not get it till Friday, while other havent even gotten it yet. When you factor in it was a thursday release rather than a normal Tuesday, these numbers are very strong. the fact is the PS3 colobbbered the 360 in Others. it will Clobber it in the US, and we know that the PS3 numbers will be way up in Japan, Clobbering the 360 in a third region. In one week Sony will have taken a huge chunk out of the 360 lead. Wii fans need to shill. yes the Wii sells great, we all know. Some of you seem to be oblivious to the realistic fact that the Wii is $150 cheaper than the PS3's cheapest stripped down version, It's not like it's $25 or $50 Cheaper. that's a big price difference especially in these fiscally troubled times. MGS 4 showed the PS3 is a monster and can do things that no other system today can do when Devs want to put the love and care into a project for the System. you guys come off looking desperate.

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starcraft said:
PS3 hardware in the Others region clearly underperformed next to expectations assuming these numbers arn't adjusted.

Hardware also underperformed relative to expectations in NA, once again assuming the preliminary reports are correct.

Conversely, I feel the hardware boost for the PS3 in Japan significantly exceeded all reasonable expectations (I saw some idiots predicting 100k, which I don't consider reasonable).

More than this week being a win for Sony, this week was a win for Konami, as MGS4 seems to have exceeded expectations in ALL regions.


Hardware didn't underperform in Others.

If you look at the last 6 months hardware has been averaging 118k/week for the last 3 months there since GT5P came out.

It was averaging 85k before that.

For the record the PS2 didn't get a single week over 100k/week outside of holydays in its first 2 years in Others...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I expected a much higher number, in both PS3 hardware and software

SWA_JM_Obi-Wan said:
The way I see it these numbers are Rock Solid, especially when you keep in mind some Countries did not get it till Friday, while other havent even gotten it yet. When you factor in it was a thursday release rather than a normal Tuesday, these numbers are very strong. the fact is the PS3 colobbbered the 360 in Others. it will Clobber it in the US, and we know that the PS3 numbers will be way up in Japan, Clobbering the 360 in a third region. In one week Sony will have taken a huge chunk out of the 360 lead. Wii fans need to shill. yes the Wii sells great, we all know. Some of you seem to be oblivious to the realistic fact that the Wii is $150 cheaper than the PS3's cheapest stripped down version, It's not like it's $25 or $50 Cheaper. that's a big price difference especially in these fiscally troubled times. MGS 4 showed the PS3 is a monster and can do things that no other system today can do when Devs want to put the love and care into a project for the System. you guys come off looking desperate.

If you look the release dates to other games you can see the normal day to release a game in Others is Friday not Tuesday.


Ail said:

Hardware didn't underperform in Others.

If you look at the last 6 months hardware has been averaging 118k/week for the last 3 months there since GT5P came out.

It was averaging 85k before that.

For the record the PS2 didn't get a single week over 100k/week outside of holydays in its first 2 years in Others...


What you have just said is that the PS3's hardware boost is even lower than the week on week figures indicate.

This is far and away the biggest exclusive the PS3 has had, and its the biggest exclusive the PS3 will have until GT5 or FFXIII (whichever hits first).  Sony fans everywhere were counting on masses of PS2 owners upgrading to boost the PS3, and your telling me it only got bumped by 1000 units over its recent average?

Metal Gear Solid 4 performed excellently in Others, the PS3, did not.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Actually, it is very weird looking at the 1st day figures, because 550k should have been sold on the first day, so you would expect more like 700k, because there were not that many shortages

starcraft said:
Ail said:

Hardware didn't underperform in Others.

If you look at the last 6 months hardware has been averaging 118k/week for the last 3 months there since GT5P came out.

It was averaging 85k before that.

For the record the PS2 didn't get a single week over 100k/week outside of holydays in its first 2 years in Others...


What you have just said is that the PS3's hardware boost is even lower than the week on week figures indicate.

This is far and away the biggest exclusive the PS3 has had, and its the biggest exclusive the PS3 will have until GT5 or FFXIII (whichever hits first). Sony fans everywhere were counting on masses of PS2 owners upgrading to boost the PS3, and your telling me it only got bumped by 1000 units over its recent average?

Metal Gear Solid 4 performed excellently in Others, the PS3, did not.


Hey look everybody it's starcraft and he's saying negative things about the ps3 who would have thunk it...

In europe metal gear gave a 27,000 boost in hardware sales and that doesn't include spain where the game hasn't launched yet and that would add another 5,000 onto the hardware sales.

Famitsu have released their numbers this morning and have said ps3 hardware is 77,000~ for the week so that's a 67,000 boost from last week.

Vgchartz have said in america metal gear increased sales 180% so that means it would have sold 120,000~ ps3's for the weeks which is a 77,000~ boost.

In total that's a 176,000 boost, but hey i'm sure you'll try and find some way to knock that :).


starcraft said:
Ail said:

Hardware didn't underperform in Others.

If you look at the last 6 months hardware has been averaging 118k/week for the last 3 months there since GT5P came out.

It was averaging 85k before that.

For the record the PS2 didn't get a single week over 100k/week outside of holydays in its first 2 years in Others...


What you have just said is that the PS3's hardware boost is even lower than the week on week figures indicate.

This is far and away the biggest exclusive the PS3 has had, and its the biggest exclusive the PS3 will have until GT5 or FFXIII (whichever hits first).  Sony fans everywhere were counting on masses of PS2 owners upgrading to boost the PS3, and your telling me it only got bumped by 1000 units over its recent average?

Metal Gear Solid 4 performed excellently in Others, the PS3, did not.


It performed very well.  Just compare it's sales to those last week.  The reason the average is so high is because the last three months included GT5P, GTAIV, and MGS4.  Gran Turismo is the largest franchise in Europe ignoring the Wii series, and GT5P provided a considerable boost that lasted for weeks. 

The ps3 didn't underperform this week.  It's just been overperforming on average for the past three months.


makingmusic476 said:

The ps3 didn't underperform this week. It's just been overperforming on average for the past three months.

You're even better at spin than I am


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Wow @ the fallout.

MGS did fine, Europe isn't so big on very hardcore games like this one and games tend to stay in the charts longer. First week's sales in the US are far more telling than in Europe. MGS4 should certainly be able to reach a million in Europe, which is very good no matter how you spin it.
PS3 sales are ok, expected a bit more, but definitely not dissapointing to sell over 100.000.