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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation, The MOST innovative Brand

MS has never been very innovative. Windows was simply to get on par with the Mac, nothing more, nothing less.

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rocketpig said:
kenzomatic said:
rocketpig said:
If we were talking about behind-the-scenes companies, General Electric would be in every Top Five list made.

As it is now, I bet 50% of this forum couldn't even give me a brief rundown on GE without a Google search.

GE has defently done a ton of stuff as well, sadly most people just think they make light bulbs.

Eastman Kodak (the people really behind oled's)

Also deserve to be up there

Let's not forget Honeywell... For some reason, that company reminds me of Freemasonry... They're huge, wealthy, mostly hidden from the public eye, and completely mysterious.

I'm pretty sure that if you speak their name in public, you're put on some kind of menacing watchlist. A Honeywell van full of men in gasmasks is probably pulling up to my house as I type this.

GE also OWNS, yes, OWNS the power plants of pretty much every ship in the US Navy.  They lease the engines off GE.


It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

sparda2020 said:
can someone explain to me why apple is second? i'm not trying to be funny or anything just interested


 ipod?iphone? MAC?


rocketpig said:
Microsoft is #3?

Okay, that list is officially a waste of space.


Exactly what I was thinking.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

Andir said:
rocketpig said:
kenzomatic said:
rocketpig said:
If we were talking about behind-the-scenes companies, General Electric would be in every Top Five list made.

As it is now, I bet 50% of this forum couldn't even give me a brief rundown on GE without a Google search.

GE has defently done a ton of stuff as well, sadly most people just think they make light bulbs.

Eastman Kodak (the people really behind oled's)

Also deserve to be up there

Let's not forget Honeywell... For some reason, that company reminds me of Freemasonry... They're huge, wealthy, mostly hidden from the public eye, and completely mysterious.

I'm pretty sure that if you speak their name in public, you're put on some kind of menacing watchlist. A Honeywell van full of men in gasmasks is probably pulling up to my house as I type this.

GE also OWNS, yes, OWNS the power plants of pretty much every ship in the US Navy.  They lease the engines off GE.


GE is also one of the top chemical manufacturers in the US and have pushed a good amount of the plastic technology.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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In response to the "if this were the 1980s" comments...


Remember that Sony broke out the first OLED to the general market last year. It cost a fortune, and was only 11", but as we all know, prices drop, and OLED has a huge future... especially in the portable console market.


I wouldn't doubt for a second if someone told me the next PSP (or DS, for that matter) used OLED, and had 848x480 resolution (or more) with brilliant OLED color, while being even slimmer and more power efficient than today's PSP/DS.

Sony had a major hand in Blu-Ray, Sony is the leader in OLED tech, those "digital books" Sony makes sell like hotcakes (I forget what they are called), Sony Bravia LCD televisions are some of the best on the market (arguably the best), the Sony PS3 is a real powerhouse console... As a company, Sony is an incredible innovator, have no doubt.

from a purely gaming standpoint nintendo wipes the floor with everyone. However from a company-wide standpoint i can see how companies can be ahead of them, as nintendo is just games and the others have several lines of products.

It's Sony, not playstation. The same way that Apple came in 2 place and not the macbook.

*eats popcorn and watches fireworks*

*offers next poster some popcorn and a lawn chair*

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

trancos said:
It's Sony, not playstation. The same way that Apple came in 2 place and not the macbook.


The OP says that.