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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can't MGS, FF, GT sell as much on PS3 as they did on PS2??

rocketpig said:
konnichiwa said:
rocketpig said:
konnichiwa said:

My definition of niche (what I have learned)..

Niche = A small portion/piece of the total market where the product has sold on...

If you have a meeting at your company where you state your product has sold to 10-20% of the available market the people are going to laugh with you if you call it is niche;..

If MGS4 is niche.... What are games like Okami, SMT then?

Okay, if we are going to pick and choose the appropriate usage of words even when the dictionary contradicts us, from this point forward whenever anyone uses the word "niche", I am going to assume they mean this:

1. A vessel adapted for various domestic purposes, and anciently for sacrificial uses; especially, a vessel of antique or elegant pattern used for ornament; as, a porcelain vase; a gold vase; a Grecian vase. See Illust. of Portland vase, under Portland.

If you buy MGS4, you are planning to use it to kill your dog. I better get the Human Society on speed dial, I have a lot of calling to do.

Bro, I am not especially disagreeing with what you are saying I only hope that you never will be in the position where you have to present the sales of a product to your stockholders/colleques/boss and call it niche when it has sold 10-20% of the market.

Actually, I'm in marketing and have used the term before to describe a very successful product. :D

"We're selling through extremely well to our expected niche", stuff like that makes complete sense, no matter how many products you're selling.


This can means two things:

1)  That you exceeded the niche market and the product is not niche as you expected...

2) That the product sold very great on the niche market available.

But now business company will call their product a niche product when it has sold to 10%-20% of the market.

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Externally, no company will use it. Internally, the word still has a use amongst the marketer-types.

Anyway, I think we've successfully assassinated this thread.

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darthdevidem01 said:
Yes I get it easily now

niche = ONE type of person will like it .... e.g. - Shin Megami Tensei - JRPG Hardcore gamers

No-Niche = MORE than ONE type of person will like it....e.g. GTA....people who like dricing games, fling games, shooting games....and so on


True, but are you saying now that MGS4 is a game that only one type of person will like it?

Bodhesatva said:

I think MGS4 and FF can, more or less. A lot of it is dependant on how "hardcore" the userbase is. Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart: DD and SSBM all sold very well on the Gamecube, despite a much smaller userbase than either than N64 or the Wii. This is because these are very traditional franchises with a very loyal following.

I think the same will apply to FF and seems to be applying to MGS4: the fans of these franchises will follow them anywhere, no matter what the install base, no matter what the cost. They are very, very loyal. Gran Turismo I personally believe is still hardcore, but a bit more casual than the other two -- therefore I believe it will see a noticable but not terrible drop off, something in the 25% range.

Other similar franchises: Smash Bros, Halo.


I agree with this.

A large portion of GT's sales come from avid racing fans in Europe as opposed to avid gaming fans.  I don't think they'd be as likely to own a ps3 by the time GT5 rolls around (or be as inclinced to purchase one when it does roll around) as FF or MGS fans.

I see both MGS and FF toppiing the 5 million mark, with FF probably going on to ~7 million total sales.

darthdevidem01 said:

I have been looking at this issue since I came here and everytime people put down FF13, MGS4 (HA they were proven wrong) & GT 5 as the "lowest" sellers in the franchise.

I don't understand as their argument is usually PS2 had a 120 million userbase.....thats all fine but PS2 DIDN'T have a 120 Million userbase when GT3, FF10 & MGS2 released.....they still sold millions

In fact:

GT 3 released when PS2's userbase was at 11 million (definetely possible for GT5)

n it went on to sell 15 million.

FFX (had a staggered launch) but when it PS2's userbase was at:

5 Million in Japan (granted Ps3 won't be there for FF13)

7 Million in NA (definetely possible for FF13)

8 Million in others (Definetely possible for FF13)

Whenn MGS2 releases the userbase size in each region was a bit lower than that of the FF10 release

so PS3 is really losing out on sales from Japan...thats it, otherwise these key franchises should sell just as much, and the argument that PS2 had a userbase of 120 million bites the dust as when these launched it most certainly didn't.

What do all of you it valid topull the franchise down due to saying "PS2 had a 120 million install base" when majority of the sales are done at launch.??


Sorry fellas, didn't care to read through every post, just want to reply to the OP.

You're trying to say it's not because of the PS2's userbase, while 2 of the games you used as examples were launched with a bigger userbase. In regards to GT3 vs. GT5P, GT5P is just to keep the bigger fans happy until the full game comes out, so you cannot compare those two.

Finally, you are comparing the lifetime sales of PS2 games, to the few month sales of PS3 titles, clearly not fair.

So once we move into the next generation, and the PS3 has been out for 7 years you can go ahead and remake this thread with updated numbers.


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Menago KF said:
For me it's about data that we have. Somehow most of the games thus far have under preformed on the ps3 this gen. MGS4 is the FIRST game to actually have this good sales while also severely raising HW sales(Even GTA4 didn't manage this). If you look at GT4 it sold a lot less than GT3 and the same happened with FF12 compared to FF10. No wonder that some don't believe that the series will sell better than a couple of years ago.

And remember, we have yet to find out just much the games WILL end up selling. All will become clear in a few years time ;).

That's becaue FFXII and GT4 didn't recieve what I like to call the "next gen bump" that FFX and GT3 recieved, and that FFXIII, MGS4, and GT5 should recieve.

Franchises generally sell less and less with each iteration per gen (Halo and GTA being the notable exceptions), with the first next generation iteration of each series recieving a considerable bump in sales.  GT2 sold less than GT, yet GT3 outsold GT2 by almost 6 million.  Similarly, FFIX sold less than FFVIII, which also sold less than FFVII.  FFX outsold both FFVIII and FFIX (the latter by over 2.5 million).


I think MGS4 will outsell all of it's predecessors due to all the buzz and great word of mouth. FFXIII and GT5 I think will have a hard time. We have no idea what games will being coming two or three years from now.

well the ps3 does cost more then ps2,and we will see how FF and GT sell on ps3 they havent been released yet

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

5 million LTD sales for MGS4 will be very disappointing considering GeOW already has 5.2mil and had a lower install base at the time of its release, had no bundle, is a new series and had not a lot of hype in comparison to MGS4.

Cremator said:
5 million LTD sales for MGS4 will be very disappointing considering GeOW already has 5.2mil and had a lower install base at the time of its release, had no bundle, is a new series and had not a lot of hype in comparison to MGS4.


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As in go buy us some coffee.