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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can't MGS, FF, GT sell as much on PS3 as they did on PS2??

I have been looking at this issue since I came here and everytime people put down FF13, MGS4 (HA they were proven wrong) & GT 5 as the "lowest" sellers in the franchise.

I don't understand as their argument is usually PS2 had a 120 million userbase.....thats all fine but PS2 DIDN'T have a 120 Million userbase when GT3, FF10 & MGS2 released.....they still sold millions

In fact:

GT 3 released when PS2's userbase was at 11 million (definetely possible for GT5)

n it went on to sell 15 million.

FFX (had a staggered launch) but when it PS2's userbase was at:

5 Million in Japan (granted Ps3 won't be there for FF13)

7 Million in NA (definetely possible for FF13)

8 Million in others (Definetely possible for FF13)

Whenn MGS2 releases the userbase size in each region was a bit lower than that of the FF10 release

so PS3 is really losing out on sales from Japan...thats it, otherwise these key franchises should sell just as much, and the argument that PS2 had a userbase of 120 million bites the dust as when these launched it most certainly didn't.

What do all of you it valid topull the franchise down due to saying "PS2 had a 120 million install base" when majority of the sales are done at launch.??


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Cost, cost, cost.

How much was the PS2 when those games released? Compare that to the price of the PS3 and that's part of your answer. It's a lot easier to drop $150 for one game than it is $400. There's also a lot more doubt surrounding the PS3 than there ever was around the PS2.

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It can but more than likely they won't. Kind of the same reasoning as to why Super Mario 64 couldn't sell as much as Super Mario Bros 3. Or why Super Mario Sunshine couldn't sell as much as Super Mario 64. But why Galaxy is selling more than Super Mario Sunshine and probably pass Super Mario 64. And why New Super Mario Bros has outsold them all, or will.

But they can still sell alot but they don't have the same chance to sell as much as the originals because of the smaller userbase. But being released later in the lifecycle is definetly a plus for higher sales.

mgs4 will sell over 5 million worldwide
ff13 will sell 10 million copies worldwide
gt5 will sell 10 million worldwide

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...


but by the time say they stopped selling the userbase o the PS2 would hardly be past 30 million

besides didn't MGS4 kinda disprove the theory....atleast in Japan

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I think MGS4 will now go onto to be a 5 million seller with good legs and christmas 6 months away....

Final Fantasy will always be popular, as will GT.

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

PS3 has a chance to have sold 5 million in Japan when FFXIII will release....

It just depends what games are released before FFXIII will be on PS3.

White Knight Story as a example haves a possibility to push sales.

They will eventually outsell their ??predescor??, it's just gonna take some time

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I think they will outsell their predeccsor, hell i think i am the only one that belives that the PS3 will get past the 100Mil mark. I mean the "Others" market has grown like a mother.

We're living in a different gaming generation.

Racing games sales have staggered in America. GT4 probably did half of what GT3 did with double the user base. GT5 prologue sort of failed in America. Other racing games didn't fare much better. Forza 2 and Motorstorm (and now GT5 prologue with the sixaxis) were bundled to get rid of the huge stock.

Today's most popular genre is first person shooter (and third person shooters), which none of the big 3 playstation franchise are. FF, GT, and MGS won't have as big of an impact as it had with the PS2. In Japan, people moved on to portables.