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Forums - General Discussion - It is my 18th birthday.

Hurray! I just turned 18 today! (16th)

Also, I have to work today! :o :-/

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Awesome, let's get some chicks!  ;D

happy 18th birthday, too bad you are in the usa if you was in EU you would be drinking at 18 lol

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Even when I turn 21, I won't drink. No alcohol for me ever!

Awesome, Happy birthday. Now round up some 18 yo buddys and drive north east into Quebec where 18 means much more fun then just suffrage (right to vote). :) Or south into Mexico. Edit: Since you don;t drink, you can enjoy our stripclubs at 18. Many dancers are your age (or claim to be) they are no more then 23 though.

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and thanks guys! ^.^

happy birthday!

wow 18, bet it would be a great year

Happy Birthday :)

Happy Birthday!

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I like Bacon said:
Even when I turn 21, I won't drink. No alcohol for me ever!


that's fine

how about sex or porn?