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Forums - Gaming Discussion - does MGS4 have better graphics then crysis?

JaggedSac said:
Once I saw this thread I knew I would encounter a person claiming to run Crysis on high(depends on what we are referring to as high) on a $500 pc. All lies, do not believe them. LOL. Crysis is probably the most unoptimized game I have ever seen.

 $500 gaming PC plays Crysis on High

 The article is 2 months old, so it may be even cheaper now.

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davygee said:

Do you get a BR drive with the PC for under $1000 though?

Yes, you can get a good PC with a Blu-Ray drive for under $1000. A Blu-Ray drive costs $200...

My point still stands - comparing the PS3 to a $399 PC is unfair and doesn't prove anything in terms of MGS4 vs Crysis. But even if you do, you might be surprised at what a $399 PC can do.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

shio said:
JaggedSac said:
Once I saw this thread I knew I would encounter a person claiming to run Crysis on high(depends on what we are referring to as high) on a $500 pc. All lies, do not believe them. LOL. Crysis is probably the most unoptimized game I have ever seen.

$500 gaming PC plays Crysis on High

The article is 2 months old, so it may be even cheaper now.

But you will have to do some overclocking and volt mods, which is not always safe for your equipment.

And I won't call 17.5 fps with no AA (and 5.3 with 4xAA) playable.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

Musouka said:
shio said:
JaggedSac said:
Once I saw this thread I knew I would encounter a person claiming to run Crysis on high(depends on what we are referring to as high) on a $500 pc. All lies, do not believe them. LOL. Crysis is probably the most unoptimized game I have ever seen.

$500 gaming PC plays Crysis on High

The article is 2 months old, so it may be even cheaper now.

But you will have to do some overclocking and volt mods, which is not always safe for your equipment.

And I won't call 17.5 fps with no AA (and 5.3 with 4xAA) playable.

Why are you quoting the results for 1680x1050 resolution?

Since this is a MGS4 vs Crysis thread, it makes more sense to quote the 1024x768 results, which are 37.1 fps without AA on High quality. Without overclocking.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Musouka said:
shio said:
JaggedSac said:
Once I saw this thread I knew I would encounter a person claiming to run Crysis on high(depends on what we are referring to as high) on a $500 pc. All lies, do not believe them. LOL. Crysis is probably the most unoptimized game I have ever seen.

$500 gaming PC plays Crysis on High

The article is 2 months old, so it may be even cheaper now.

But you will have to do some overclocking and volt mods, which is not always safe for your equipment.

And I won't call 17.5 fps with no AA (and 5.3 with 4xAA) playable.



37.1 FPS on 1024 * 768, is very playable ...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
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Here are the specs for a PC that will run Crysis on full: a 50 core processor (coming to a store near you in 2037), 12 Graphics cards made from space dust imported from Neptune, and a Nuclear Reactor from and aircraft carrier.

You PC gamer scumbags are as naive as you are elitist. Crawl back into your hole and go play some wow. Think about the money bomb you dropped on whatever hardware you bought to run Crysis then think about PS3 owners chillin' on the couch playing amazing games like MGS4 and cry.

Ps. My boy just bought a PC gaming rig for $2500 (core extreme and 8800) and he still can't run Crysis on full. That's just disgusting. PC gaming is DEAD. Let it go.

Topmac said:
Here are the specs for a PC that will run Crysis on full: a 50 core processor (coming to a store near you in 2037), 12 Graphics cards made from space dust imported from Neptune, and a Nuclear Reactor from and aircraft carrier.

You PC gamer scumbags are as naive as you are elitist. Crawl back into your hole and go play some wow. Think about the money bomb you dropped on whatever hardware you bought to run Crysis then think about PS3 owners chillin' on the couch playing amazing games like MGS4 and cry.

Ps. My boy just bought a PC gaming rig for $2500 (core extreme and 8800) and he still can't run Crysis on full. That's just disgusting. PC gaming is DEAD. Let it go.

Your post looks really good after the one by FJ-Warez.

PS: By "really good" I actually mean that it makes you look like an idiot.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I think the real question should be 'Which is a better game?'

The answer is most definetly MGS4.


Some of us-most of us-99.9% of us prefer to play our games out the box without hacking/moding/soddering shit to our system.

And wtf are the specs for "$500 PC" on toms hardware? Sounds pretty vague. Send me a link for any pc with a BD drive and cell equivalent for $500..... Aint gonna happen. But please try I want you to prove me wrong.

psrock said:
I still want to know who's actually played crysis?

 i have played crysis,

 If someone can tell me how to take a ingame picture from my pc i will upload it to this site, and i will no cherry pick, i will take pics of in game only, some in forest in water of sceneary and of the character models up close