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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict each console's sales during mgs4 week.

Why is everyone saying 360 will recieve a boost... I really don't understand the logic here.

People think 360 will sell 80k in NA and Others with the biggest Ps3 game to date was released this week....

when 360 had a hyped game release last week and sells didnt even get close to that...

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Given the fact that the bundles sold very well I'd say...

Japan: 65,000
North America: 140,000
Others: 160,000
Overall: 365,000

Thats my guess but im not sure about others I dont know if they got the bundle.


Wait, wasnt leo-j perma-banned?

roadkillers, ps3 sold 120k in Na not 140k. Louie confirmed this.

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Wii: 380k
PS3: 400k
360: 110k

No reason the Wii or the 360 will get above average sales.

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I Perdict said:
daactualfact said:
ipredict, ng2 has to do something to its hardware.

NG2 released this week which means the the boost it gave is on the front pages already. 360 is only at 133k this week. Also with such a huge opening week for MGS4 I can see 360's sales being slightly smothered (for this week) ontop of a drop (Consoles drop normally plus NG2 boost wont be there). I think a 13k drop at least is in line for the 360...(this week)

1-2k - Japan (Closer to 1k)
50k - NA
65k - Others
116k - Total

For 360's week

120k - NA (This is already suppose to be the number)
120k - Others (No more than 150k)
45k - Japan (No more than 70k)
275-340k - total

For Ps3

And then + infinite for the Wii is my guess.

had to change my numbers after seeing japans prelim.... damn.... naybe I under estimated the Ps3 this week. But to be fair I didn't want to try to compensate for under estimating SW for MGS4. I thought that would just lead to over estimating.

leo-j said:

PS3: 350k
Wii: 320k
XB360: 120k

I know for a fact that the PS3 outsold the wii in JAPAN at the least, wii sales average 45k in japan per week, the PS3 has pulled of 50k at the least the day MGS4 came out.

all 50k being the bundle, so it should be 60-80k for japan hardware when it comes to the PS3.

I doubt the Wii flooded this week or we'd have heard reports. I also doubt the PS3 sold 80k in Japan.

That said, I think these numbers are surprisingly close to the final result. If the PS3 can't beat the Wii this week, assuming they didn't flood, when can it.


I'd give it to the PS3 by a nose, in predictions. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


bardicverse said:
Wait, wasnt leo-j perma-banned?

I obliterated the ban, thats how powerful I am =D



360 and wii might get a slight increase due to more people being in the shops thanks to mgs4.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:

PS3: 350k
Wii: 320k
XB360: 120k

I know for a fact that the PS3 outsold the wii in JAPAN at the least, wii sales average 45k in japan per week, the PS3 has pulled of 50k at the least the day MGS4 came out.

all 50k being the bundle, so it should be 60-80k for japan hardware when it comes to the PS3.

I doubt the Wii flooded this week or we'd have heard reports. I also doubt the PS3 sold 80k in Japan.

That said, I think these numbers are surprisingly close to the final result. If the PS3 can't beat the Wii this week, assuming they didn't flood, when can it.


I'd give it to the PS3 by a nose, in predictions. 

The sources prelim shows 45-70k so expect somewhere close to 55-60k