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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MASSIVE leak of Microsoft E3 info...

not to sure about the sources used.

Anyone could have guessed what games will be popping up as there was speculation about Forza 3 and Lips so i'm still going to wait for E3.

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Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.

2 disc for a racing game??

that's odd,,,,

you are in the final lap all off a sudden a message pops on which says please insert disk2 to to finish the race.




Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.
 Like Killzone is the Halo killer amiright?


SpartanFX said:
2 disc for a racing game??

that's odd,,,,

you are in the final lap all off a sudden a message pops on which says please insert disk2 to to finish the race.

 I might shoot myself if that actually happened.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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SpartanFX said:
2 disc for a racing game??

that's odd,,,,

you are in the final lap all off a sudden a message pops on which says please insert disk2 to to finish the race.
 Probably 1 disc for SP, 1 disc for MP/Online 


Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.

GT5 eats Forza for breakfast.No competition,troll.

nothing gr8. lol @ 2 disc. Forza 4 - 4disc?

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil


GT2 was 2 disk... but i could care less about disk swapping psp load times have given me perspective on waiting to play

that said jerret and labonte stock car racing with real damage and such back on the ps1 should have kept GT from ever becoming anything... always thought the driving in GT was horrid... way overdue for damage

also the 5 covers are specs, any one could end up being used, although most likly none will be used, and a new on derived from thoughs choices ... i like the third one that being said...

the avatar person thing seems silly.... but if they must copy fine... but i wont pay for it

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

*bleu-ocelot* said:
Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.


GT5 eats Forza for breakfast.No competition,troll.

"Troll"... if that makes you feel better, ok.

GT5 will sell 6 million and Forza3 "only" 4 mill, but Forza3 will be the better game.