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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 8th Generation of gaming

I just hope that we won't be resorting to virtual reality soon. Otherwise people might begin to lose track of the "real" reality. Just like in the Matrix!

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Multi GPU systems

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

In the 8th generation consoles will have a 85% failure rate.

Consoles will make noise at around 110 decibel.

Controllers will have 18 buttons, 6 analog sticks and 4 D-pads.

New SKUs will come out every 100 days for every console.

The start price will be at 1500 dollars.

We will see price cuts every 100 days.

Everything will be online. No single-player, no splitscreen.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

kylohk said:
I just hope that we won't be resorting to virtual reality soon. Otherwise people might begin to lose track of the "real" reality. Just like in the Matrix!

 Lets face it, it can't be worse than WoW for that.

Hawkeye said:
Honestly today's graphics don't look that amazing. They looks like shiny model toys, or fuzzy fake model toys. Cut scenes can look quite nice though. Look to the high quality video cut scenes- that should be behind where next gen in game graphics will be, but pretty close. For example, today's in game graphics are about as good as shadow the Hedgehog's cut scene graphics, but look more solid.

Good post.

Look at the cut-scenes of today, and we see next-gen's graphics.

Not MGS4-cutscenes, as they're pretty much the same as in the game, but all the games where the cut-scenes are pre-rendered.

There are amazing cut-scenes like the ones for WoW and War online, that we won't see in next gen (they are not even made in the game's engine).

Like this one:

 but the famous KZ2-trailer is what I think KZ3 might look like on the PS4:


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The only advancements I think we need in the graphics area is lighting. So games should look like crysis on ultra high at least with better lighting. I would rather see advancements in physics and Ai than graphics to be honest. Maybe we could see Virtual Reality take its place into the home console. Nintendo's next console will probably be just as powerful as Sony's and Microsoft. We will see more 1080p games because we've haven't seen too many this gen due to the consoles' limitations. We will see Sony and Microsoft try to adopt motion sensing in the way Nintendo has if they haven't already, and then Nintendo just upgrading everything and maybe adding virtual reality. Nintendo will probably stay in the lead, but not as much as this gen. The generation after that though somebody most likely Nintendo will innovate due to the need of inovation.

7th generation started on 12-06-2008 and you are already asking about what will next gen bring?

shanbcn said:
7th generation started on 12-06-2008 and you are already asking about what will next gen bring?

 What? The 7th generation started in 2005.

sc94597 said:
shanbcn said:
7th generation started on 12-06-2008 and you are already asking about what will next gen bring?

What? The 7th generation started in 2005.

He made a joke sc94597, he is talking about the launch of MGS4 and start of the this gen

virtualboy as it was original invisioned, full color.... and then add hd

all hail virtualboy

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog